Chapter Two:Welcome to Ars Arena (Slade vs Nazu)

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Fate I
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Chapter Two:Welcome to Ars Arena (Slade vs Nazu)

Post by Fate I »

Zeik wrote:
Fri Apr 19, 2019 10:55 pm
After introductions the entourage made their way into Ars Haven stone embroidered doors. Still rolling with energy from new found connection, the company briefly toured the complex before heading to the Arena.

Zeik gathered those who wanted a sparring match, while Kurai headed to Sanctus Imperious to assist in the Awakening with Azazel.

‘Welcome to Ars Arena

He said, cutting through the chatter that started along the way, his voice filling the huge stadium.

‘We’ll have our sport in here. As I said before, this building is under constant Astral and psionic surveillance. Preventing any unwanted attention, so relax.

Rules are First to three unblocked strikes, this includes martial arts and spells wins. No lethal play, you’ll notice your sharpened weapons deal no lethal damage in this arena, but count as a point if unblocked. Anthems are allowed!
Don’t worry about messing things up, the buildings are made of a rare stone. It boast considerable regenerative properties and never loses memory of the form it had last. Similar to the technique used by the Architect of Old, but not nearly as precise.

‘Above us you’ll see a large monitor with your sparring partner,
take to the stage when you’re ready, students.’

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Slade Alexander
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Re: Chapter Two:Welcome to Ars Arena (Slade vs Nazu)

Post by Slade Alexander »

After the extensive tour and description of the Ars facility Slade was a bit energised. All this potential they have at their fingertips was awe inspiring.

"Now I'm over energised about all....."

As he spoke they would approach the arena. And as they approached Slade saw his name Vs. Nazu.

"Now I know what Im gonna do with this extra energy." He said as he approached the stage.

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Re: Chapter Two:Welcome to Ars Arena (Slade vs Nazu)

Post by Nalumire »

Nazuma followed the group of warriors to the arena, amazed at what he saw in the confines of the academy. He felt excitement as his adrenaline rushed. The area in which the spar was to take place was what he most liked, the regenerative properties of the construct. This ment he could really go all out.

Looks like I'm up

The icy white-haired lad would enter the stage opposite of Slade. He would let out a breathe to calm himself. Then he'd look to Slade, with a bow, he'd greet Slade once more.

Well, It seems we'reup against each other... Let's give them a really show. It's the Vets against Rooks. I'm ready when you are.

The Denkou Prince said as he would begin to summon his magical energy. A snap of his finger and his Naten infused every piece of fabric on his body. His crimson red scarf came to life and with a whistle out would emerge Nazuma's Familiar the Toko insectoid, no bigger than a hotwheelz car. The droid would station itself on Nazumas side.

Hey Buddy^_^.. Alright you know what to do.

Nazuma would hold his hand out and the droid rested in his hand. When he spoke to it he infused chain connected from the droid to his hip. Nazuma took his stance and awaited the signal to begin.

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Slade Alexander
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Re: Chapter Two:Welcome to Ars Arena (Slade vs Nazu)

Post by Slade Alexander »

His face would go from his usual nonchalant smirk to a more stern glare

"Don't hold back. Let's see what strength you possess."

Slade would then take a deep stance and began to rev his energy. Resulting in a momentary expansion in his muscles before they would seem to relax back to their original size. His eyes would then begin to gently arc with his internal energy. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he would focus and allocate the energy throughout his own body. His aura would then seem to fill the area as he powered up, but would seem to condense about him before he opened his eyes. He then waited for the signal to start.

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Re: Chapter Two:Welcome to Ars Arena (Slade vs Nazu)

Post by Nalumire »

Slade Alexander wrote:
Tue May 07, 2019 1:41 am
"Don't hold back. Let's see what strength you possess."
Nazuma's adrenaline rushed as Slade spoke to him and released his aura. He felt that Slade was no push over and that he might as well go all out. But he still had to gauge his opponents power. He wanted to see how strong Slade was. Nazuma wasted little time his silver hair began to change in hue. His Amber sunset eyes began to change as well. He would spout wings of an angel. Nazuma had tapped into his birthright powers of the brother of Rai, Thy Fujin. He took upon the appearance of Crismon hair Angel. Tapping into the Nein charkas. His tone of speech changed he spoke with a more elegant vibrant tone that echoed throughout the area. It was as if his words danced on the particles of air itself. His stance open yet well guarded. He had his domainant left back and his hand opposing hand on his hip. Nazuma was using his Nein ability of summoner to hide and conceal the second part to his soul Inheritance his animus.

Can you feel it?... A storm is coming...Breathe Syail..

Nazuma would snap his fingers and from behind him a single slice of wind manifested and grew. To the naked eye Nazuma summoned a wind strike of high naten potency. But if any who watch had a skilled eye could see that Nazuma had summoned the blade channeled magic and attacked Slade from a distance. But this was only a ploy to his actual attack. Nazuma was attempting to use the first blow as a distraction to get Slade open for a clean hit. Nazuma would appeared behind Slade and give an roundhouse kick to his mid section in attempt to knock him across the room.

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Re: Chapter Two:Welcome to Ars Arena (Slade vs Nazu)

Post by Nalumire »

Slade Alexander wrote:
Tue May 07, 2019 1:41 am
"Don't hold back. Let's see what strength you possess."
Nazuma's adrenaline rushed as Slade spoke to him and released his aura. He felt that Slade was no push over and that he might as well go all out. But he still had to gauge his opponents power. He wanted to see how strong Slade was. Nazuma wasted little time his silver hair began to change in hue. His Amber sunset eyes began to change as well. He would spout wings of an angel. Nazuma had tapped into his birthright powers of the brother of Rai, Thy Fujin. He took upon the appearance of Crismon hair Angel. Tapping into the Nein charkas. His tone of speech changed he spoke with a more elegant vibrant tone that echoed throughout the area. It was as if his words danced on the particles of air itself. His stance open yet well guarded. He had his domainant left back and his hand opposing hand on his hip. Nazuma was using his Nein ability of summoner to hide and conceal the second part to his soul Inheritance his animus.

Can you feel it?... A storm is coming...Breathe Syail..

Nazuma would snap his fingers and from behind him a single slice of wind manifested and grew. To the naked eye Nazuma summoned a wind strike of high naten potency. But if any who watch had a skilled eye could see that Nazuma had summoned the blade and channeled magic to attack Slade from a distance. But this was only a ploy to his actual attack. Nazuma was attempting to use the first blow as a distraction to get Slade open for a clean hit. Nazuma would appeared behind Slade and give an roundhouse kick to his mid section in attempt to knock him across the room.

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Slade Alexander
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Re: Chapter Two:Welcome to Ars Arena (Slade vs Nazu)

Post by Slade Alexander »

Slapping both hands on the ground Slade would create a stone wall to block the wind strike. Keeping track of Nazu with his true site he kept track of his movements Slade knew he was in a compromising position. So he would turn to receive the impact with his back.

Flinching as he skid across the ground Slade would come short of the wall. "O.k., you're a bit faster than i anticipated." Cracking his back he would smirk before taking another stance. this one seemed looser, more relaxed.

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Re: Chapter Two:Welcome to Ars Arena (Slade vs Nazu)

Post by Nalumire »

Nazuma's kick was a success for the most part. Yes, he made contact with his strike. Yet it wasn't fully powered. Nazuma only saw his free shot as a ploy by his own opponent. He only wonder why? Why take a hit and reenter a stance?

The boy would descend to the ground, stopping only centimeters from floor. Nazuma looked at Slade as his stance loosened, his shoulders relaxed. The Young Denki Prince noticed this, he had to take caution at his next move. He had the upper hand for this split second but he only wondered what his opponent could do. The boy didn't feel much power come from him. But, the look in his eyes changed.

Tell me.. You're eyes? What are they?

Nazuma wondered how was he able to get off such a easy blow. He noticed how Slade caught himself that alone put the prince on high alert. So he had to find out as much as he could.

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Slade Alexander
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Re: Chapter Two:Welcome to Ars Arena (Slade vs Nazu)

Post by Slade Alexander »

Looking into Nazu's eyes Slade could see the confusion, and uncertainty, growing within the young fighter.

"Focus! You're still in the midst of a battle!"

After the statement Slade disappeared in a blur and appeared within inches of Nazu. Aiming to knock him of his feet and back to reality Slade would attempt to deliver a strong upward palm strike towards his chin and readied a follow-up attack and aimed it towards his right kidney.
And though he heard the question about his eyes Slade would ignore it. He was never fond of talking about his family.

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Arcanum Iris
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Re: Chapter Two:Welcome to Ars Arena (Slade vs Nazu)

Post by Nalumire »

Slade Alexander wrote:
Mon May 20, 2019 8:21 am

"Focus! You're still in the midst of a battle!"

After the statement Slade disappeared in a blur and appeared within inches of Nazu. Aiming to knock him of his feet and back to reality Slade would attempt to deliver a strong upward palm strike towards his chin and readied a follow-up attack and aimed it towards his right kidney.
Nazuma wouldn't be so easy hit, using his wings as a shield he would spin around Slade. Only to create distance between them. Nazu then flapped his wings and zipped about 300 feet away from Slade. The Denkou boy noticed his opponent was fast. Maybe to maybe to fast for his Ruby King abilities. Nazuma couldn't tap into the Nein charkas as he should this power he used was imperfect, he had only been training with the Nein charkas for a couple years and now every little move was risky. The powers of the Ruby King were unsettled. Nazuma's eyes changed back to Amber and his hair not as potent in its crimson hue. Nazuma had to finish this match rather quickly or at least last through the cooldown side effects.

The Denkou boy would summon another wave of wind magic and again force it toward his opponent. The property of this wave of wind would spiral and take form of a gaint Tornado that would begin to rest in between the two of them. With each twist and spiral motion the monstrous force grew in power and size.

Spiral Syail Twister..

The Denkou prince had now gone on the defensive and wanted to see if his opponent can stand against a natural force. A wind that danced with fury and grace. Nazuma had summoned a storm of the winds. His fury and passion, fears and struggles all bundled in to one. The pain of the storms. The beat of the winds. This fury of winds just strong enough
to pull in chairs and other random debris.

Many don't know how fierce the mighty winds can be I must show them as the harbor of this power. I am Nazuma Riore Denkou... I shall not be taken lightly..

As the boy spoke he infused the phenomenon with more Naten. The force grew in power it began to spiral at speeds that ripped and tore apart the ground below. The area would shake and rumble from the force happening in the building. Storms of thunder and lighting ran across the skies above. The tornado was unnatural kn hue it began to change red and the lightning that danced through the clouds matched the tornado. It was if the two storms danced together in perfect harmony. Not yet touch his power not yet complete. The twister still need to meet the storm that manifested in the skies. Nazuma Had a light smirk on his face. He his wings allowed him easy flight in the pull of the wind. If slade could get through to Nazumas side he would be safe himself from the pull as well the the size itself could give nazuma time to think.

I see Mr. Slade.. find then you will just have to show me what they can do.. In three minutes. My Twister will meet with the clouds in the sky and the true storm will begin.

((3 post))

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