Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

“How this place came to be? How? How!?”

Rafal bellowed to the heavens, asking of his family, and the crowd gathered for their midday siesta. The group quieted down and focused on the master of ceremonies, taking a deep breath, and basking in the soft silence enveloping them.

“Legend has it there’s an ancient river running through this city. Another said we were descended from the skies themselves, bringing life to a desolate place. But I think my favorite has to be the Thousand Year Deluge that brings the hidden spring to this arid landscape. It gives me hope I can live long enough to see one myself.”

The crowd murmurs lightly, comparing their own accounts of the stories to one another between nibbles of food. Rafal motioned to the crowd with his thick, heat-tempered hands, asking for his guest’s response.

“Are any of you here children of the Deluge? I’d hate to offend in my recount–”

“Just tell the story already!”

“Alright you impatient tykes, we’re doing the Deluge story!”
Bo couldn't help but smile, a warm, hearty smile that mirrored the amazing energy of the family before him. It was so welcoming it felt so good to know that there was still love and light in this world despite the fearsome forces of chaos and darkness at work. His own family used to have something similar but the light of their time together was so brief before the very integrity that the Denkou was founded on began to crumble. He wondered if there was truly any real hope for his people. If he himself would possess the power, the skill needed to bring the peace his people so desperately craved. The vindication they deserved. Was killing his brother truly the only way?
“On the heels of strife, we find ourselves renewed, refreshed.”
It was almost as if the old codger was reading his thoughts. This tale of the Thousand-year deluge spoke to him much deeper than he originally thought it would. The coming of a fearsome storm with the power to completely reshape the lives of those caught within it. And yet, it is celebrated and even prayed for. Because the good people of Uran understand the power in not only staying united but also braving such a thing and turning it into a blessing. They focus not on the fear the storm itself could induce but on the change it can bring. The new wave of possibilities and the lives it can help. It brings chaos and as well a beautiful type of order that refreshes and renews beyond the strife it may cause. Instead of fear...they chose to love.

That then is what I will do...

He thought to himself as the scene shifted once more returning now to the grill it was originally. Bo would also grab a dumlpin and raise it high as well.

I will choose love!

He thought as he yelled with the rest of them.


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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Fate II »

The crowd started to shrink after their final chorus. They began back to their day to day, full on dumplings and that feeling you get after leaving your grandmother's home, a familiar reunion that makes your heart warm. The fire on the grill died down and the tapestry behind it disappeared into the booth's back wall. Rafal bellowed again, chatting jauntily with some of his familiar patrons, counting most of the people left in the booth.

"Nobody can really tell you where everything started, but they can tell you where certain stories begin. Does that satisfy your appetite for now, my friend?"

Rafal picked the last, crispiest dumpling off of the quieted grill and tossed it into his mouth. The last passersby left Bo and Rafal to themselves, returning to their lives as easily as they stopped to share a story with them. Now alone, Rafal sized up the curious investigator. Although a great service to the city and it's history, he was still a bounty hunter, a hand for hire, a mercenary under the contract of the highest bidder. His stories must be more exciting than family folk tales.

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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

"Nobody can really tell you where everything started, but they can tell you where certain stories begin. Does that satisfy your appetite, for now, my friend?"
This made him a question. Was it really so important to know the origin of the story? Should it not be judged by the way it inspires whatever emotions it inspires within those who hear of it? His mission solely was to uncover the truth of Denkou's past. A time muddled by misinformation and the destruction of the integrity that historians once held. With every inch closer he felt like h was coming to understand his people's past the more he felt that someone or something, was intentionally trying to keep him from the truth. Was the fight against whatever that force worth it?

"But what if the stories that are told now are...not true? Often I have found that those in power would rather hold fast to a lie than accept the chaos the truth will bring."

His gaze met the sands and the small clouds of dust that whisked up at the sigh of wind at their feet.

"I cannot lie to myself though, and not acknowledge that the truth can be a rather scary thing"

There was so much conflict in his eyes as they raised almost staring at Rafel.

Who determines the truth? The scribe who has written it or the bard who sang it?

The voice again...who's voice? The question though was interesting...both used a pen, and both could speak from experience. What was the answer? What was the truth?

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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Fate II »

"Aye, i only know these things from the people who have spoken it to me and the experiences that have spoken it to them. It's all hearsay if you weren't there to see for yourself, isn't it?"

Rafal escapes Bo's pensive semi-self talk by serving some of his other guests. He had a few other chips and dips shared with other guests and made easy conversation with them as well, assuming Bo was either going to stick around and hang for a bit or entertain himself with the rest of the market.

The bustle and rumble picked up almost immediately as Rafal backed away to deal with other customers, the quiet chatter building to a rolling commotion behind Bo's seat.

"I feel like it's easier to say truth isn't a one way street."

A familiar voice slipped into Bo's ear, attached to a body occupying the seat next to him. Lambda returned with a plate of her own, noshing on goodies from another booth in the marketplace. She sat pleased, cooing contently as she devoured her food.

"Isn't it more like an intersection? It's true that Coeurls eat Limrus to survive, but what is pedestrian for the predator is chaos for the prey."

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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

"Looks like I scared him away haha"

He thought. These days he found himself spiraling down the rabbit hole of thought regarding truth. Always question wondering searching for it.
"I feel like it's easier to say truth isn't a one-way street."
Right, there are always two sides to a single coin. It seemed like the truth was often a matter of perspective. He had always been told a fragment of it. So perhaps what he needed to start looking for was not THE truth but the other side of the story. It had always been common knowledge that the Denkou scored the face of the mother in search of a home. That they were guests in a number of places and an enemy in others. It was thought that the Denkou always approached opposition with peace and tried to use their words before their blades. Dazuma however had never even thought about asking the people who came in contact with his nation of old. They were lost and completely reclusive and he rarely saw his people interact with whatever places they had traded with. An envoy or an emissary was almost always used. Like if they were being tolerated to avoid conflict?
A familiar voice slipped into Bo's ear, attached to a body occupying the seat next to him. Lambda returned with a plate of her own, noshing on goodies from another booth in the marketplace. She sat pleased, cooing contently as she devoured her food.

"Isn't it more like an intersection? It's true that Coeurls eat Limrus to survive, but what is pedestrian for the predator is chaos for the prey."
"Ah, Madame Ortiz, I am pleased young me. This land truly is beautiful."

He said with a nod and smile that was welcoming.

"I guess I never thought to ask the prey its experience"

This world was one of cause and effect, of rise and fall. He was not ignorant of the notion that many kingdoms became so through conquest. Even diplomatic joining was a thing. There was no record of any of that when it came to his people. His had read the archives of history the Flonne kept and all it ever said was the Denkou obtained the right to the land of Emerald Ascenion by way of blessing from the Vescrutia...a land of such ripe magical and natural resource abundance that maintained trade mostly for the sake of peaceful relations with the realms around them. In fact...to Dazuma's knowledge, there were little to no records of not even so much of a large-scale skirmish happening. What was that intersection of truth here then? Where would the two perspectives intertwine? He had to keep searching...it was almost as if it was all right in front of him. Barely eluding his grasp.

"Speaking of prey"

He said readjusting his back. He had let his body become a bit lax and found himself slouching.

"What happened to yours?"

Inquiring of Zero whereabouts. He was still very much alive, thank the stars. He wondered how the people of Uran would hold Zero accountable for his choice. Did they care about his perspective? What might have been pedestrian and or chaos for him?

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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Fate II »

"You didn't expect me to bring a criminal to lunch, did you?"

Lambda scoffed at Bo's straightforward questioning, presuming she owed him an explanation about the whereabouts of quarry overextended his mercenary reach.

"But if you must know, he's in the care of T.U.S.K.U. awaiting trial for theft of a treasured relic. He got a real warm reception when I turned him over to the coalition."

The Coalition, T.U.S.K.U., maintained a semblance of peace and order within the city. Formed from volunteer members, they were the caretakers of the land and its citizens. Younger members offered energy and enthusiasm to projects that the elder or wiser individuals developed for their people, a system that kept the city in working order for as long as it had residents. Lambda represented the front lines and operational head of the T.U.S.K.U. now, not necessarily the oldest but widely regarded as a wise and just soul, qualified to have the fate of the city resting in her care. She constantly had a small entourage of people trying to dote on her, offering her whatever goodwill they had to her, it was the only thing some people had to give in thanks for carrying the weight of the city on her shoulders.

"Sounds like you two bonded a bit on the trip over, asking about him before your payment. You're an interesting merc, that's for sure."

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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

"You didn't expect me to bring a criminal to lunch, did you?"

Lambda scoffed at Bo's straightforward questioning, presuming she owed him an explanation about the whereabouts of quarry that overextended his mercenary reach.

"But if you must know, he's in the care of T.U.S.K.U. awaiting trial for theft of a treasured relic. He got a real warm reception when I turned him over to the coalition."
T.U.S.K.U? Must be their version of law enforcement and she was a top gun the way people showered her with praise. Her work contributed to his safety and overall ability to live peacefully with the smiles on their faces he experienced just moments ago. He hoped Zero was unharmed, by her phrasing it sounded like he would have met some physical abuse. HE prayed that was not the case. Perhaps Dazuma was easily fooled, his naivety of the world around him made him an easy target at times. That's not what he felt from Zero, something about him was...different.
"Sounds like you two bonded a bit on the trip over, asking about him before your payment. You're an interesting merc, that's for sure."
"Heh...I suppose you could say that."

He said taking a sip of the tea in front of him.

"I can't imagine what would've possessed him to steal such an important relic from your people. Especially after the warm loving welcome I've received being here"

A gander at the people scurrying about their daily lives.

"I am no judge, I do not seek to be his jury either...but it cannot go without saying. That I would have never been able to find this place had he not shown me the way. You all didn't necessarily leave a map to this place on a bulletin board"

He stared at his tea. With that being said he didn't know anything about Zero still, maybe he wanted to come back in the hopes of swiping an even grander prize? Maybe Dazuma was nothing more than another cog in his nefarious machine of plots and twists. Or maybe...just maybe, he genuinely felt remorse for betraying such a welcoming place. Dazuma still couldn't explain it but...he genuinely didn't feel like Zero was a bad guy, Ms. Ortiz said it herself. What is pedestrian for the predator is chaos for the prey. Maybe his intentions were not so black and white. He'd leave it there though, lest they start to think of him as more of an accomplice than a captor.

"Now that we are on the topic of rewards, as beautiful as my tour of the city has been thus far, for this auspicious catch?"

Down to business at last, what would be his gain from all the strife this journey had placed him through? The fearsome terrain, the deadly graveyard of ghouls. The insufferable heat. Just to name a few.

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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Fate II »

"The reward, unfortunately, will have to wait until the end of the tour. It's in our museum where we're going to be meeting with a few more invited guests."

Lambda gave Bo an inquisitive side eyed look, skeptical of the idea Bo wouldn't be able to find Uran without the help of the criminal, Zero Venkage. He had to have knowledge of the bounty itself to even want to bring him to justice, placing him in a select few places around the world to hear of it. Mercenary assistance left a bad taste in her mouth, they were hard to read and harder to predict. Where the wind carried her message, she made contact with trustworthy individuals whom she invited personally to lay the plans for their search. She assumed Bo more 'in-the-know' than he seemed to lead on.

Lambda finished her plate, pushing it away and directly into Rafal's waiting hands. He quickly moved through, clearing the empty platters and vessels with a smile and a wink, and turning back to man the drill. Lambda thanked him and stood up, and headed started heading back into the crowd, beckoning Bo with a wave.

"We can walk and talk. Thank you, Rafal!"

"Aye, and to you two as well. Send my regards to imp, take him a little nib."

Rafal packed a few things from the grill into a small packet, sliding it to Bo before he got too far.

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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

"Aye, and to you two as well. Send my regards to imp, take him a little nib."

Rafal packed a few things from the grill into a small packet, sliding it to Bo before he got too far.
Bo took the packaged food and returned his kind gesture with a bow.

"My friend, I hope the next deluge brings not but prosperity to your lives and home"

He said as he rose and continued on with Lambda. A museum? just what kind of reward had they had in mind? He was fine with some coin, since leaving home he had been doing all sorts of odd jobs and hunting requests to make it by. His hunter rank was still so low he wasn't able to get any real high-paying jobs. Until he made his way to Dusters. He had received a tip about the place from a man who sold him a map. A watering hole for seasoned veterans. Luckily, Bo was good at keeping his composure but most of them probably could smell his naivety a mile away. Only Zero entrained the notion of actually traveling with him. To see things take such a drastic turn. It was still hard to wrap his head around. He wouldn't suggest his own reward though. He wanted to see what these "Waves of Horus" meant to them.

"A Museum you say? My, it must be quite the gift"

He said as he once again admired the jewel-encrusted huts dazzling in the sun. The warmth of the sand beneath his feet as Xelhpus continued to shine brightly.

"The Waves of Horus must be of extreme importance to the people of Ulran to warrant such a response."

Rafel didn't really tell him much about the waves of Horus only that part of the legend around them was the ability to traverse time. He felt that if he inquired too much he'd be viewed under suspense as well. He would wait and see if she would tell him more on her own. If not, he would dead the issue. At some point, he figured someone would tell him just what he'd gotten himself into. Zero surely did not.

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Re: Legend of the Everglow Part 2: Into the Thick of It

Post by Fate II »

"The reward itself isn't housed in the museum, but historical artifacts and unknown treasures are better kept out of harm's way."

They worked their way through the crowds, Lambda sauntering past each greeting she received.

"I feel like 'museum' diminishes the importance of the space and the nature of its design, but I don't know where you're from so it's the closest word in common tongue. There have been many attempts to remove all manner of Urani relics from the Reverie Chamber, but Zero was the only one successful enough to make it back across the Ganjun Wastes with it. You'll see when we arrive the kind "museum" I'm talking about. While our people go there to remind themselves of their history, its function is... More complex than that."

Lambda trailed off as they approached the outer gates of the Reverie Chamber and the burly, beryl spear wielding gentleman standing beside the entrance. The pillars seemed to be composed of the same magics that kept Uran mostly from sight from afar in the Wastes, while they seemed to hold up nothing, between openings the innards of the mystic facility unfolded like a prism, kaleidoscopes of stairs, doors, halls, all manner of decor paraded across them like shattered windowpanes.

Lambda walked forward and gave a wave to the guard, "Have our guests arrived just yet?"

"You should find them inside within the Janus Ring with Andri. But who is this?"

The guard steps between Lambda who disappeared into the world beyond the gate, halting Bo in his steps with his statuesque posture. The beryl spear he tapped twice on the ground, causing it to jingle like glass shards in a bell. The same jingle rung in Bo's hand from the inside of the package Rafal handed him. The guard snickered to himself, confident to have caught a ne'er-do-well at the gates of glory. The beryl chime he recognized like his own, but Bo's face was brand new, fresh and fit for tomfoolery. The guard learned well to screen every entrant to the Reverie Chamber, having already been tricked once and one time too many.

"I hear something familiar on you, friend."

He tapped the end of his spear on the ground again, repeating the chime louder this time, staring directly at the packet in Bo's hand responding to his call. Whatever it was, it came from inside the packet, underneath the dumplings and snacks he packed for Zero.

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