A Place for my head

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Re: A Place for my head

Post by Orca »

The four elven remains that Orca had resurrected gradually regained muscle fibers and even the tools they needed for communication, an impressive feat given the complexity of Nakrin's vocal cords. Using his families naten, myou myaku, creating a substitute tissue was a easy task for this skilled craftsman.

Nakrin's, like their elephant ancestors, used low rumbling pulses to communicate, a language that persisted deep into their elven ancestry. It wasn't long before chatter broke out amongst the elves. From what Orca could tell, the four of them hailed for the same family, though passed at widely different times.

Their chatter flooded into Orca's head, a consequence of using myou myaku to create nocturnal servants. He tried to communicate with the four elves;but, he failed at capturing the Nakrins dialect, muddling their communications.

Where his "words," had failed, symbolism was sure to succeed. He pointed to the tree, just behind the chuckling mammoths. This species of tree, which was now just a bloody mess scattered across the desert, was a lone survivor of a ancient genus from vescrutia's prehistoric era. The eleven servants quickly realized what was missing and as their heads whipped around with questions, orca raised his hands to the sky, where a beast who coiled the bloody winds and loomed over the sands with wings of terror made for an easy villain. Neither his juvenile understanding of their language, nor his poor dialect could distort this message.

Orca had made great use of his time, using the subtle distortions in his Prey's perceptions to muster the Naten needed to resurrect such a pristine specimen and with his team prepared to avenge their cultural losses, he directed his attention to the air just a few hand seals shy of responding to Soaring prey

A smile creeped across his face, a sign of weakness to anyone who understood what was happening within the mind of this hunter. He fell to the floor, just a single mudra shy of completing another volley of paralyzing soundwaves. He staggered, falling to his knee and gripped his head in agony, a familiar scene to the winged prince of blood. The black void that filled his pupils and sclarea reseeded like the shifting tides of the ocean, revealing a more approachable amber brown iris. He gasped for air, as if he'd been denied such a luxury and were on the verge of asphyxiation. Through bated breath he surveyed his surroundings, observing in great confusion the blood stained sands, howling winds and the figure of a man with bloodied wings. "....What have I done?" He whispered just seconds by a blaring and triumphant shout filled the desert.
Inariel H wrote:
Tue Jun 07, 2022 1:40 pm
The sound of the mans fury alone sprung his hands to action, compelling him to weave a short sequence of hand seals and opening a tiny pocket between space and time- a dark slit, between himself and the Spear. Aiming to intercept the weapon while it was in mid flight. If his instincts and impulses were fast enough, than the spear would seemingly vanish into thin air once it collided with the hairline thin presence of his arbiter, leaving the boy unharmed.

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Re: A Place for my head

Post by Inariel Myotis »

Allen had surmised a few things from this encounter. The first thing was the fact that the tree he used earlier was actually of significant importance to the opposition. Second that these lands themselves served as a burial ground for natives of Acriz and maybe even lands further out. Creatures migrated here towards the end of their life cycle so that the great circle of life may continue. Third, this, creature or man was tethered to these lands and Allen's lack of respect for the place angered it. If this encounter had gone in another direction other than battle he might have been open to some other form of restoration and amends.

However, he was not met with civility, but a rage-filled angst that sent a rush of fury through his body. Despite the fact that Amrit kept him from giving in to his madness no amount of consoling or counseling would quell Allen's need to show these beasts to choose their prey more wisely.

For he was not a link in their chain,

he has no predator.

His vision absolved him of all doubt, this creature was incredibly dangerous and with the coming of the finished elven mammoths had a fearsome talent for the kneading of naten. As the spear neared its target for a split moment in time Allen could sense a drop in his opponent's anger. The target's aura became calmer and took to the defensive, another muddled spot in his field of vision, another spatial anomaly perhaps, this one though was small and in no way would truly shield him from the full force of Allen's power. He smirked.

"Now the five of you can return to these sands...together"

And then it happened the furious spear made contact with the spatial impasse first destabilizing it and causing it to explode a bit maturely upon doing so Allen's arms folded.

" Furious Culling..."

A towering pillar of gorgeously scarlet magic ignited bringing with it a thick silence before a massive blaze encapsulated them all producing a valiant symphony of sound and chaos. His intention was destruction, though instead of destroying everything around him, he would honor the land enough to only destroy his target, that was a far of comprise he was willing to make.

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Re: A Place for my head

Post by Orca »

The four Nakrin he'd summoned looked over the boy with confusion. Just moments before he fell to the floor in agony, he was trying to use their language to guide them into battle with the soaring sanguine terror; but, now he seems hesitant to even coil his own strength in resistance of said foe. His eyes, now more a pull of amber than a black void, darted about, searching the recesses of his mind for a clear answer to his delima.

In a surreal and bewildering moment to the young boy he'd just emerged from a trance, his consciousness struggling to grapple with a startling reality that it hasn't a faint idea of where and why he's here. As his eyes darted around, he nervously directed his attention to his hands, fearing the'd be covered in blood, like so many times before. Yet he was shocked to find his hands free of blood but tableau of horror painted along the sands and heavens. The sight of the mysterious being soaring above the macabre crime scene boasting wings made of sanguine sin sent shivers down his spine, igniting his mind with ideas of judgement . Panic surged through him as a bone-chilling realization gripped his senses—an ungodly creature, monstrous and nightmarish, was watching him with malevolent intent. Time seemed to slow as fear seized every fiber of his being. The boy's heart pounded in his chest, his mind racing to comprehend the unfolding terror. The grotesque emanation of the creature loomed closer, its features distorted by malevolence, shrouded in darkness, and the boy was left with a harrowing choice—to face this abomination or flee into the unknown realm and be hostage to the nightmare that haunts his body.

He danced with this idea for a moment, but the second he felt the living Omen within reach for his consciousness he knew what he needed to do. He could feel something swelling in the ground beneath him and in the face of impending disaster, the young boy stood firm beneath the geyser on the verge of a catastrophic eruption. As the ground trembled and the air grew thick with tension, his mind raced through the bleak possibilities that awaited him when the sanguine geyser would inevitably explode. He pondered the fiery chaos, the scalding torrents, and the certainty of being consumed by a merciless force of nature with a warm smile. Despite the natural survival instinct, a strangely serene acceptance began to settle within him. He contemplated the inevitable, acknowledging that fighting against the the Spector within him would only prolong his suffering, continue the trend of awakening from deep sleep with blood stained hands. In a poignant moment of resignation, he found a grim solace in the idea of allowing himself to succumb, embracing the idea that surrendering to the eruption might be the swiftest and most merciful end.

He released his spell, freeing the Nakrin from his service. Allowing them to collapse into a trivial pile of bones and glanced at the winged terror hovering in the sky. He briefly wondered what he'd done to push a man to take such a grisly form;but, in the moments just before eruption, felt compelled to shout.

"I hope I didn't take anything from you that obliterating me won't replace."

He said with enough umph to reach the heavens only to be...
Inariel H wrote:
Mon May 22, 2023 1:57 pm
" Devoured..."

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Re: A Place for my head

Post by Nagase »

She emerged from the shadows just seconds after The prye died out and gazed upon the horrific remains of her fellow classmates. She averted her attention to Allen, still wearing his divinely horrific sanguine presence and waved at the bloody angel. Her clothes weren't her casual militian outfit branded with the Vesta crest, instead she wore a strange suit that covered her head to toe, completely cutting her off from the outside atmosphere.

"Seems Orca was ready to give up but the Gorrems inside of him weren't so willing... fascinating little creatures"

All that remained was enough tissue to hold his vital organs intact and a perfectly preserved spinal cord what wasn't marred and burnt remains were ashes mixing with the white sands.

"I'd have helped you whittle Allen if I thought you needed it, but I know how you like venting about trauma to your opponents and I wouldn't want you to feel...ya know, crowded with me here.

She said with her Hallmark mischievous smile. Moving the barely alive corpse to somewhere safe.

"Orca here is cursed with a living Omen bestowed upon him by some demon-blowhard in exchange for his life. They are called Gorrems, the omen...not the demon-blowhard, and they're freaky little devils. They wanted to get a hold of your DNA something fierce, rightfully so. I mean LOOk at ya in your crimson ferocity

But yeaaaaaa, I've wanted to get my hands on this little twerp;but, I couldn't have them Gorrems looking at me like that."

She said with cliche old witches cackle.

"But yeah....it's a family matter, so I'll deal with the remains, blood prince. You just make sure there aren't any tiny skin burrowing demonic insects inside ya."

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