Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

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Fate I
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Fate I »

Fanfare. Fireworks. The clang of thick, beer filled mugs, the unmistaken shrill of children wailing and carrying on as if no one was monitoring them-must people weren't even aware the younglings were rampage about, tossing discarded bottles at one another and relishing in their unquestioned freedom.

That was...until they started actually screaming in terror, with their eyes filled with terror as they stumbled across the sand paved roads of Acrix Solara, seeking cover. It took much longer than it should for the adults to noticed and even longer for the Cities Guardians to notice.

Yet the children's jittering fingers pointed out the elephant in the room, as they so often did at family functions. Their eyes were fixed on something, terror wouldn't let them look away as they pointed at the sky.


Screamed the youngest of them, his eyes filled with tears. An elder of the village approached the small child, concerned by his tears but admittedly more concerned with his language.

Elderly Man:"Boy, who told you language like that was appropriate? Now i know everyone is carrying on;but, that dont-"

"Cut the FUCKING cheese old man, see with your own fucking eyes why my language is Irrelevant!"

-Shouted the small child, attracting the attention of most everyone at this point, even the musicians halted their charismatic performance.-


He shouted again. Pointing to the sky even more aggressively than before. It took them a min to grasp what they were seeing, again...much longer than it should've been;but, when they did...they couldn't unsee it. Their eyes swelled with fear and from there...bedlam ensued.

*Incoherent Screaming and Shouting*

Their eyes couldn't bare the sight nor could their ego stomach their blatant ignorance. They fled in panic, screeching at the top of their lungs, filling the streets with unmitigated hysteria.

Above them stood a massive figure, hulking over their city with eyes of fire and skin of metal. It watched patiently, motionlessly, as the citizens of solara ran for cover, trampling some in their wake. Others tried to help quell the rising hysteria, but both their voices and bodies were ransacked by the masses who scurried in fear at sight of such a creature.

-Inside The Boundary-
The librarian carried on with her reading as if the screams of the city were muffled by some manner of magic, they weren't though. The traveling party from astral city could hear the screams of the citizens with considerable ease.

Some of the other nameless guest in the Boundary looked around for answers to the hysteria, but when they noticed the librarian relaxed and reading, they too bowed their heads and returned to their literature- though noticeably more concerned than the unbothered receptionist.

Their Anxiety only further exasperated by the deep and commanding voice of a few of the Guardsmians command.

"Please, calm down. We have everything under control."

Shouted a Vesta Guardsman who released a volley of fire into the air, both to grasp the attention of the panicing crowd and also to reveal the barrier that protected them from causalitues of this kind.

"You seeeeee. Everything is und-"

-The creature without warning struck the barrier with a mighty haymaker, shaking the village and even causing some minor property damage despite the Holgurd's Barrier. The guardsman, now noticeably shaken by the sudden turn of events, tried to regain control of the crowd;but, the shaking tone of his voice was anything bit reassuring.-

Guardsman" is nothing to fear."

He said. Trying to control the crowd and following his training, but he was distracted by the static coming through his earpiece. Hos commanding officers wanted to know what had hit them and advised the field team to prepare for an imminent breech.

Guardsman:Its gonna collaspe?!

He shouted.

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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Nagase »

The screams of the citizens echoed out just as Abari finished his sentence, edging the young hellgate to burst into laughter.

"The timing of their frantic screaming couldnt be more unbearable, but yea...its business as usual. Well it goes without saying now, but ill say it anyways...Thats...kinda our cue."

It wasn't a bluff, nor was it naivety that carried her careless spirit-maybe a bit of hubris, but what Hellgate didnt suffer from a aggrandized ego.

"Well...first thing we should do is lead the creature away from the city because i dont think the cities barrier can withdtand a nonstop assault on the defense grid."

She brought her hand to her ear trying to see if she hsd any communication with Astral City.

"Nope. No ones answering the line. Mother must have left the skybox...well then we really are on our own. No worries. I say we leave the Boundary so i can teleport us outside the city, without triggering these defense. I dont know the creatures skills, neither did, i wont lie to you. We are here to undo the inevnitable...this wont come easy."

She said casually while making her way to the front door, her hands rested on the back of her neck.

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Alaude Nightwing
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Alaude Nightwing »

Allen Momoto wrote:
Fri Nov 06, 2020 1:45 pm
Alaude would appear, he would touch Allen and attempt to console him with dark energy. A gesture that Allen own essence swiftly refused. He would allow the flow of any other sway to touch his. He did not trust any of them, let alone this person who oozed darkness. no matter how tamed it appeared to be.

"It is unneeded."

He said turning from Alaude. The gesture itself was noted, his intent was genuine it seemed.
Alaude would lightly smile as Allen seemed to quickly recompose himself and with a wave of his arm the layer of darkness he had attempted to provide would quickly disappear into thin air. As the citizens begin to take notice of what was going on and begin panicking Alaude would take a moment to look outside a nearby window and would take note of the massive hulking figure quickly making its way to the city. Seeing this creature would cause Alaude to rub the back of his shoulder for a moment while slightly sighing. This was not a nervous reaction but more so a reaction of anticipation of how much of a pain it was about to be to deal with such a massive creature.

"Its always go big of go home lately huh."

Alaude would slightly chuckle under his breath after saying.
Nagase wrote:
Fri Nov 13, 2020 8:16 pm

"Nope. No ones answering the line. Mother must have left the skybox...well then we really are on our own. No worries. I say we leave the Boundary so i can teleport us outside the city, without triggering these defense. I dont know the creatures skills, neither did, i wont lie to you. We are here to undo the inevnitable...this wont come easy."

She said casually while making her way to the front door, her hands rested on the back of her neck.
As Nagase began to leave the Boundary so they could all teleport closer to the creature, not missing a step Alaude would quickly begin to fallow behind the young Hellgate hands in his pocket and unlit cigarette in his mouth.

"You make it sound as if undoing the inevitable aint just a normal part of our lives."

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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Tempest »

~ The turn of events pretty much rendered her question pointless. Winds were picking up outside at a rate exponentially higher than just a few minutes ago when the first signs of the creature appeared. Shattering sounds of breaking glass and the crunch of other structures being impacted was clearly warning enough for everyone else in the library. The pace of the influx was very unnatural. The question was, was it due to the creature entrance or influence?

In any case, all answers awaited them beyond the library. She walked briskly with the rest of the team as they made their way towards the exit and into the folds of battle~

"I suppose it's not really life if there isn't an apocalypse every now and again"

~She couldn't help but shake her head a bit. It was truly 'business as usual' as Alaude put it.~

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Fate I
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Fate I »

-Outside the boundary, the city desended into panic as mass hysteria quickened in their hearts at the sight of the menacing embrace of the Creatures eyes. That was until the bellow of horns sounded from the far corners of the city as the vesta guardians rushed into the street. The trumpets came as a soothing chime amidst the shrill of terrorized and intoxicated citizens cries and disoriented pleas.-

???: Get ahold of yourselves for Solara's grace. The damned creature's outside the Holgurd defenses?!

-Shouted a womans voice from atop of The Boundary, her arms crossed and her face shriveled in disgust.-

???:This is precisely why i DETEST these damn parties! Youre making a mess of yourselves, THAT fucking things...bout to kill us and you cowards are damn near trampling CHILDREN from a monster that hasnt even broken in yet. Dare, i say...the evil is already inside, hmmm?

-The crowd, now less excited with fear, could hear the commands of the Vesta guardians , encouraging them to remain calm and directing the traffic. The soft whisphers of people swelled into Incoherent chatter about what the bright blue hair woman had said. The guardsman continued evacuating the people to safety bunkers with considerable ease, but the creatures attacks against the cities shield showed visible signs of breakage.

???:Hmph. Say what you will...yall needed to hear that.

She whispered under her breath while watching the people be escorted towards the cities underground shelters. She didnt bother to join them, she rather meet certain death with her eyes open.-

"I dont know who the Hellgate leaders have pissed off...but they mean war if they sent a Bone Golem. Hmmm"

She said while starring at the golem, still clawing at the shields. She noticed the beast had no legs, but was quickly distracted from that revelation by the small dark slit that appeared outside the Librarys front door.

"...That aint no Hellgan spell?"

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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Nagase »

She pushed the heavy doors open with the help of her friends. She was surprised to see the people so orderly, after all, her fathers vision foretold of total destruction of this city and just moments ago they were raving with fear.

" think if we just said, naw...shits to scary and left. They'd be totally toast."

She said with a chuckle, faking like she fell down from the boundary stairs and landing inside her portal-her eyes catching a glint of the blue haired woman staring from above the library. When she exited the portal she'd be outside of the Hellgates barrier and roughly 40 meters away from the creature.

"Ouch...the sound of its metal claws scratching against the holgurds barrier is unbearable. We need something to get its attention, something that says... HEY FIGHT ME."

-she said while drawing a sigil in the sand, that in turn appeared on her shoulders.-

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Inariel Myotis
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Inariel Myotis »

The realm thundered and crashed around him yet his focus would not be deterred, Nagase and her rag tag band of do-gooders had gone to address the issue. Fine by him, he could care less about them or this town. Boras ties to the Chaos were his own, Allen personally was indifferent to their demise. Just as long as they survived long enough for hi to gain his truth. The thread would unravel and its pages would spiral open. Upon doing so wording would begin to etch themselves upon it face. Word that appeared in a dialect again foreign to him but as it continued on they became more legible. It would read "Blessed or those kissed by the Blood moon". He kept on. People inside the boundary were clamoring about, frantic hiding under tables. Dust would trickle down from the stony constructs of the roof. His nose would flicker a bit. His eyes did not move from that book.

"Harbingers of its gaze, the blood moon awakens those who thrive off life's essence. Cardinal creations, sanguine manifestations of Vescrutia broth."

His Brower furloughed. This world loved its fucking riddles and rhythmic speech.

" In them it gives rise to the call, the call to reap, to reap the lives that she has sowed. None are effected by this Like the descendants of night. Those tied to the Vesta, The Urizen...those whos names are the Myotis."

He paused. His eyes relaxed then widened. The...The myotis? Descendants of nights? Where they some kind of demons? Is that what he was, some demonic kin to these, Vesta these urizen?


He pondered this, where had he heard that term used before. Someone... someone recently mentioned that name.

"The Hellgate King...."

He mentioned during their briefing that these Urizen were part of the Hellgate Nine families, The Vesta as well. But if these...Myotis were also apart of this ring...could that mean?


He had to continue to read. He need to know just what the fuck was going on. Had...had he?

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Abari Yatsutoru
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Abari Yatsutoru »

"That would be nice though, you know not having to worry about any of this and all.."

(-He said casually as he exited the doors of the library and into the dark slit, once he exited the portal he began to analyzing the
hulking monstrosity that stood before him. Hearing nagase talk about getting the monster's attention made him wonder what was it that they could do to get it's attention.-)

"Alright, sooo who wants to hit the monster first?"

(-He said with a slight chuckle as some various bones started to crack around his body looking back at his group seeing if anyone wanted to volunteer as tribute-)

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Alaude Nightwing
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Alaude Nightwing »

The moment the group exited The Boundary the cigarette in Alaude's mouth would quickly light itself. Alaude would look around at the panic and destruction quickly overtaking the city, but would also take note of how quickly the guards where attempting to get a hold of the situation. Alaude would then casually enter Nagase's dark slit, appearing with the others outside the barrier to face the creature. However, before looking toward the monster Alaude would take a moment to look back at the barrier surrounding the city as it seemed the single attack from the monster before them had almost completely shattered the barrier. Alaude would take his cigarette out his mouth for a moment and would release a large amount of black smoke from his mouth back toward the city. The smoke would quickly clomp together and quickly mold itself until it become an exact copy of Alaude minus the darker texture and smoky aura around it.

"Stay close to the city and be ready to put up a barrier to defend against anything that might come its way."

The smoke clone would simply nod before disappearing and reappearing right outside the city borders facing the direction of where the battle was about to take place. The clone would quickly clap its hands together and would quickly being to amass a large amount of dark energy as and alchemy transmission circle would quickly begin to from under it. While it was true the smoke clone was there to defend the city against another attack from the monster it was also doing this so that everyone in the group could go all out against this creature without having to worry at all about collateral damage.
Nagase wrote:
Tue Nov 17, 2020 4:57 am

"Ouch...the sound of its metal claws scratching against the holgurds barrier is unbearable. We need something to get its attention, something that says... HEY FIGHT ME."
"Well if that's all you need allow me."

Alaude would say this with a grin as he would put if cigarette back in his mouth and quickly draw his twin hand guns from their holsters, not fully turning his attention to the monster before them. Alaude would then suddenly disappear from his position next to the group and reappear in the air a few meters behind the monster. Without any hesitation Alaude would point both his guns toward the monster as a black aura would quickly emit from his body the energy quickly covering his guns proceeded with Alaude pulling the triggers. However, instead of a simple flurry of bullets being fired from the guns a flurry of beams of pure dark energy would erupt from the barrels of his hand gun. While the range of the flurry of beams seems to cover a wide range each shot would quickly converge onto one point which right now was the back of the large monsters head attempting to blow its head off .

((a good representation of the shots begin fired))

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Fate I
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Re: Chapter Four: Journey to Acrix Solara

Post by Fate I »

She hid from sight, ducking instinctly at the sound of the heavy wooden doors being flung open. She peeked down below, shocked to see a party of four exiting the Boundary-lead by a woman in strange clothes, bareing the crest of Vesta royalty.

The royal families mostly kept to themselves, devout in one practice or another that prevented them from actively mingling with the general population of the city.

"..A vesta?"

She thought to herself. She still wasnt quite sure if these people even belonged here, their clothes were strange and they seemed unmoved by the danger lurking above. She lived in this desert her entire life, all 123 years of it and she spent most of that time studying the culture of the hellgates. For better or for worse, the nine familes have ruled over the country and despite numerous attempts havent lost their control.

"Vesta...dont use spatial--"

Nagase wrote:
Tue Nov 17, 2020 4:57 am
She said with a chuckle, faking like she fell down from the boundary stairs and landing inside her portal-her eyes catching a glint of the blue haired woman staring from above the library.-
"....excuse me?"

The creature clawed at the barrier creating a cornucopia of screeches, it filled the desert with an omninus ring, which was only magnified by the red glow shining from the eclipse. The creature seemed ignorant and non observant-that was until someone triggered its instincts.

A man, clad in the musky aroma of tobacco appeared beside him and without a moments hesitation the creature was fired upon by a salvo of dark energy beams. The creature boasted incredible maneuverability skills, contrary to its bulking physique. The creature smacked the barrier with both hands and pushed off the shield, tucking its arms around its head and rollings in the sand like a huge mound that it was. The sound of it all was terrifying as the creature was covered in the forgotten remains of a steel ruin,a city of some kind, made of high rise buildings and cluttered with metal artifacts. This metal broke off as he seemlessly rolled around the cities barrier, covering the floor in metal;but, also sending shrapnel of all sizes flying about. Fragments of glass,metal, steel beams, cars, sides of houses rained down from the sky in the wake of the creatures movement. Yet despite the sheer volume of metallic waste now threatening to skewer the travlers, the creatures body remain covered in metallic ruins and unharmed by the salvo.

The metal on the creatures neck could be seen radianting a faint red hue and a huge and sudden build up of steam in that area couldn't be overlooked. The creature watched the party, tilting its head in curiosity. Its tiny, blood red, eyes darted from corner to corner in observation as the creature slowly made its way towards alaude. It pulled its body across the sand with its large stone arms, dragging its torso like a zombie crawler.

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