The Fang That Carves

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Inariel Myotis
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The Fang That Carves

Post by Inariel Myotis »

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Name: Amrit, the Scarlet Rage of Inari

Physical description: Amrit appears as a fiery fox figure with glowing skin with silver runic markings, eyes that blaze like silver embers, and a mane of wild, flickering flames. Their form is lithe and powerful, radiating an aura of untamed energy.

Personality traits: Unruly, petulant, impulsive, volatile, and driven by raw emotion. Amrit embodies the depths of Inari's soul, reflecting the cardinal rage that lies within. Amrit's sole purpose is to channel and express Inari's vehement rage, influencing the sorcerer's actions and decisions as he navigates through challenges.

Flaws: Amrit's lack of restraint and inability to temper their emotions can lead to reckless and destructive behavior, often creating more problems than they solve. Being a reflection of Inari, it is also influenced by his curse.

Like all families, Amrit is tied to Inari's journey as the crown learns to balance his cardinal rage with wisdom and compassion. Through this process, Amrit may gradually develop a more nuanced understanding of their role and the consequences of their actions. Amrit's movements are marked by constant, restless energy as if they barely contain an inferno. They may also speak in cryptic, poetic phrases reflecting Inari's spiritual nature.

His audience with the Wizard King's ghost, though, was a conversation that shook Inari to his core, imprinting on him impacts that started a metamorphosis of his soul. Learning of the "Curse Of Immortal Loss" placed upon his soul and the myriad of incarnations that have walked the path he is on now—a perennial cycle of loss and envy and an unyielding, unrelenting rage. Boundless fury provides barriers to deeper parts of his blood that do not speak to him. He also learned the sin of the Myotis. Much like himself on the Eve of a Scarlet Moon, they committed a heinous crime, the massacre of their family.

These revelations have Inari continue to question his morality. What he was willing to give to prove himself above all those around him and how that path was once again being paid with the blood of those whom he shared bonds with. In this reflection and the battle with Areys, a Tyre who competed in the same Crown contest, Inari was forced to face not only his grief but also find the true meaning behind why he fought hard for the crown. He realized he needed to start paying attention to what connected him to the beings around him. He needed to continue to see people, places, and things for what they were—moving pieces of an ever-changing, ever-evolving puzzle—parts of a greater whole. Inari's vulnerability tamed yet another part of the blazing fire, his inner rage, forcing his soul to evolve. Having reached Magus, Amrit can exist outside of Inari for extended periods. His form, when invoked, is a staggering 12 feet tall.


The Red Root: The name of the fearsome voltile mana deep in Inari's soul. It is the foundation of Amrit's existence and has taken exceptional growth to learn to wield. A reflection of nature's wrath given life; even so, Inari can scarcely use its power for long periods without succumbing to the luring call of its madness. Its origins are still unknown. Whenever Inari taps into it, he feels more like he is reaching into a place than channeling his familiar power. A place of ancient and powerful spiritual presence close to the roots of his soul that seem to run deeper than he knows. He has seen a glimpse of this space during the trials but has yet to discern its purpose. Its power is directly related to Inari's fury and grows as it does. Spells used with Red Root as its source can produce incredible results, risking sanity.

Moonglow Trance: Myotis are intrinsically connected to the moon; its rays impact them on both an emotional and a personal level. However, they also tread a thin line between serenity and madness. Their natures are at risk of shifting like the tides the moon governs while they gain empowerment under the moon's light. For Inari, this is especially so as his ties to lunar forces run deeper than even he currently knows. However, with the inherited mastery from his mother, Inari has learned to channel it to engorge himself with its drastically increasing magical and physical parameters at the cost of relinquishing his sanity. However, Amrit was moved by Inari's growth and developed the ability to hold the sway of frenzy within him, allowing him to harness the full might of his lunar energy without fear, invoking vampirism, but his fur glows blue. He can only hold this form for a short time as he suffers recoil from its use.

Mythos Of Amrit: Inari has finally confronted the origin of the darkness in his soul. The Red Eye is an ancient demonic fae that has existed as a living incarnation of rage and loss for years beyond most mortal time, scouring the universe and leaving nothing but destruction in its wake. The demon formed a blood pact with his father in exchange for his son's extended life. On the eve of the Scarlet Moon, the eye came to collect, but the former crown broke that oath, giving his life for his son. Seeing this truth with his own eyes, family, bonds, love...the emotions and concepts he spat upon, cursed even! Were the very foundation for the breathe in his lungs. Had it not been for his parents' love, Inari would not only be dead but a thrall to the demon, a mindless slave. Observing these events firsthand, Inari's CORE, on the brink of ruin, evolved, reaching arch status. This evolution enveloped him in mana, unleashing the fullness of his soul and unshackling the chains he had kept tight around his heart. This metamorphosed Amrit as well, unlocking his 3rd and final Omen.

Aside from being able to manifest Amrit in his fully evolved state, a massive Fox with blazing eyes and nine tails alit with silver lunar energy, its primary function is to allow Inari to mold his mana into metaphysical embodiments of Amrit itself bolstering his conjuration magic by fathoms. Its fangs, mouth, claws, and tail. These conjurations can assualt magical and physical alike and be used as mediums for all Inari's abilities.

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