Taming a Ravenous Heart (WIP)

The Amaris study the path of Hearts and masters Conjuring their Familiar. The Ace of Hearts protects the balance of Order and Chaos.
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Inariel Myotis
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Taming a Ravenous Heart (WIP)

Post by Inariel Myotis »

It was unusually warm today. The clouds seemed to have beat devoured by the heat of the sun, no moisture could maintain itself liquid form. Dry, humid, and right up his alley. The walk over left many questions for him to think over. It was even baffling to him still that he was actually living amongst civilization. It honestly was something he never even thought possible. Humans and other lifeforms alike were things he avoided since awakening on Vescrutia. They incited violence and that violence triggered a response from him. A challenge that he would always topple. But since being welcomed into the haven of the Astral Chaos he had experienced nothing but the warmth of community. But let everyone else tell it, he was still a prick. Not only because this was his everyday demeanor, but he still did not trust a single soul here.

I still dont get it, Whyd they even ask me to be here?

He said as he continued his stroll from his place of residence. He had devoured someone who once used this city as a place of room and board. At any moment he could fly off the handle and threatened the lives of everyone here. So why the fuck would Zeik and his family as Allen to reside here? Was the notion of a family really so strong?

To be eyes that watch me from their tower? To manifest a reason to do away with me?

If that was the case in all fairness Zeik held enough power alone to ultimately do away with Allen. Do they mean to chain him to this land? Like some pet guard dog on a leash? If so...why not just shelter him in a jail cell. Here, he had complete freedom.

It should be right around here...

He thought as he nearly reached his destination. Zeik and Nagase both made an even odder request. Not only for him to reside here but for him to undergo a challenge of the heart. One that would help him tame the thing shrouded in the most mystery within him. Should he succeed than he was to become an Ace of Hearts? A teacher of Ars Haven a school here in the chaos. Him a teacher? He scoffed every time the idea came across his mind. Did they truly trust him? He recalled the conversation he and Zeik had when they finally met. How it was revealed to Allen that he held the blood of a Hellgate within him, his mother a progenitor of the clan. The clan od the Myotis. An ancient and well-respected family of the Hellgate lineage, one of the founding 9 families. A species of elves evolved from bats since the coming of the first turn. Allen could scarcely believe it when he heard it. He...he actually had a family, a mother, a father. Though still nothing was revealed to him about either. Upon meeting his grandfather another progenitor on the council that governed the families. He was given a locket. He was told that he would know the right time to look inside and what to do next. It has been two months since he received it, he has looked at it day and night since that time.

Will...will I finally get the answers ive been searching for so long?

He took a deep breath and tried to calm his spirits, to little avail though.

This is it...

His eyes, those daggers that stripped all of the physical forms and could see the life force flowing and swaying in the world around him. They came across a pillar of light. It towered far into the sky seeming to go on forever. Swarming with pristine energy the likes of which he had never felt in such concentrated quantities before. It was somehow familiar, akin to the energy fluctuating throughout the whole city. He looked down at his mother's locket. He felt a pulsing from it as if what was inside was resonating with the naten of this place. This was it...the time for realization and clarity was now.

No turning back now...to far have i come to let cowardice abide within....

And with that, he stepped through the door of the Amaris wing.

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Re: Taming a Ravenous Heart (WIP)

Post by Inariel Myotis »

He didn't know what to expect when he entered. But what he did encounter he couldn't have imagined it at all. It was like stepping into a whole new world. The light seemed to have transported him somewhere. A tunneling abyss that felt like it would never end. He felt captured by its pull and all resistance was pointless. He crashed hitting what he assumed to be the bottom. It didn't hurt though, he was tougher than he looked. There was nothing but blackness around him, even with his enhanced vision he could see nothing. He gripped the locket around his neck. A "thum" resounded in the distance. His quick reflexes had him turn to face the direction of the sound but it quickly surrounded him. It got louder and louder and louder until he was gripping his ears in pain. Trying to deafen this cacophonous assault.

Wh-what is happening here?!

Was this not the Path of hearts? Had Zeik betrayed him!? Nagase assured him that this would be an experience that would make Allen more trusting, one that would show him the value of the word family and the bonds it creates. But this? This was treachery. It was harm... To think he actually trusted, actually let his guard down and walked right into a trap. He had murdered someone, this had to be his penance. He would fall to his knees, the quaking rumbling of the noise sent vibrations all through his body. He felt like he was about to crumble...

I feel myself...slipping...i knew it...family does not exi-

With that, he fell to the ground. It was cold, so very cold to the touch. Just like the world had been to him, just like he had been to the world. In the last few seconds of his fading consciousness, he remembered being handed the locket by his supposed grandfather. That when his heart seemed to be in turmoils to look inside it. Feeling so distraught and let down he figured this was as great a time to do so as any. He struggled to move but mustered the strength to prop open the locket. What he saw was shocking. A single drop of preserved blood. From whom though? His mother? It was said that this trinket belonged to her. He instinctively knew what to do. Using the last of his strength he brought it close to his tongue and licked the droplet clean. At the moment he ingested it his eyes shot open, his back arched upward and the darkness around him shattered like glass revealing an entirely different scenery...

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Re: Taming a Ravenous Heart

Post by Inariel Myotis »

After the shattering of reality around him he collapsed. Moments passed before he was able to regain consciousness. A breeze thick with the smell of naten would whisk passed him. Its rich scent would invade his senses forcing him to awake. He jumped up, taking a deep gasp of air, holding his chest with one hand his eyes darted over to his other. He was no longer griping at the darkness but now was prostrated before a lake with that reflected a scenery that simply captivated him. As his eyes met the site before him he was almost moved to tears. A massive moon that unlike the crimson moon, which inspired a ferocious rage and hunger within him, was reminiscent of water and shined a light that seems to calm everything that bathed in its luminescence. Bit by bit the feelings of betrayal that had started to propagate within him after feeling like he had been stabbed in the back by his supposed family began to wither away. His breathing became less raged and his heart rate smoothed over. His subtly glowing red mane was moved out of his face by his right hand. As he rose he also took note of the gran tower that almost seemed to be etched into the lake. Where in the fuck was he?

Moon Born Tower

The blood...the blood did this?

It was his first time accessing the power of his clan, the ability to learn through blood. But this was far more extravagant than his grandfather described. This was more than mere flashes of instances. This was an entirely separate reality. What was he? How was he able to experience such things? The Myotis blood in him...what really was going on?

The BLOOD is merely the gate way...Your naten answers the call...

A voice slithered into his mind, one that he had never heard before,yet it sounded so familiar. His eyes darted all around yet caught no sight of its owner. That was until for but a second a flash of cerulean naten occurred, gleaming from the tower ahead like some kind of beacon. His eyes caught sight of it instantly and almost became transfixed.

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Re: Taming a Ravenous Heart (WIP)

Post by Inariel Myotis »

A woman who visage sent a chill through him. Her eyes though they carried a lax or even soft look seemed to glare through him. Her eyes clear like diamonds. They held no color, clear pristine mirrors. Her hair laid down in coils that that traveled the length her back.A Ornament fashioned like a golden crown. A marker of stature? Ordained in gold jewelry, nobility? His heart began to race. He stood. His arms folded. Hie would regain his composure. At least facially but his heart, his soul already knew the answer to the question he was about to ask.

You...You are her? You're my.

She phased out of reality, as fluid as the waves that gently swept the shore she stood on. She was now in front of him. A solemn look on his face. His hands clinched his arms tighter. He was trying to shield how tense and vulnerable he was. For so long he had waited, wandered, doubted, envied and lamented. Only to know be standing in front of...

???:You have his eyes.

She said with a tone that seemed to wash his defenses away. Her voice was like being flooded with a serenity that caused his arms to fall to his side. She placed her right hand upon his cheek. Her clear eyes, like staring into a pool of water began to water.

???: And his inability to trust.

Allen eyes widened, his hands shaking. She would grab it with her other free hand. Inside Allen was something that had been seeded long ago. His heart had been put on ice. He kept himself from feeling, at least from expressing it. He had to always maintain such perfect control of himself as to not appear threatened to those who did not trust him. But what began to build inside him he could no longer suppress. Like a typhoon it overwhelmed him, the weight of the oceans manifesting itself in the form of his weary spirit. His face softened as tear built up in his eyes. His lime green mirrors could not detour from hers. And with a crackled tone he muttered...


She smiled, their hearts broke in unison. And with a vigorous pulse of strength she grabbed him and hugged him as tight as she could.He was stunned.He...he couldn't believe this. It...it really was her. The incarnation of maternal love that he had only dreamed abound envied humes for possessing. Half of everything he is stood here before him. Happiness was not the word to describe how he was feeling.Grateful... his arms folded around her, he would hold her with that love returned in kind. His naten began to manifest, all around them a vivacious red aura began to show itself, the plant life began to thrive off it and grew in turn causing several flowers of varying colors to bloom all around them.

My seed, my rambunctious little fox. You've made it back to me. Alas our time is limited and there is much I must unload on you. The spell will not last long.

She said pulling away from him being met with slight resistance from Allen. He didn't want to let her go. She smiled warmly at him signifying it was OK. He released her. He would dry his tear and she hers. He dwarfed her in stature. Looking at her he couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. The answers he sought...what would she tell him?

Your name? Who are you,truly. And for that matter. Me, whom am I in this world? A wandering seed?I must know...

She held his hands in hers before a soft blue hue enveloped them both and they vanished. When the flicker occurred again the would be within the tower. Books that seemed to be a never ending see of knowledge and secrets covered the entirety of this expanse. She released him turning her back towards a section that was covered in wards and glyph s.

You even have his peculiar way of speaking, like a lost form of poetry. I truly wish he could see you now.

Her hand would wave across the books and several of the wards would dissipate. Revealing a secret passage. Over her shoulder she looked back at Allen as she did the door to said passage began to slide open.

Inquisitive little fox, Yes, as your namesake sugest. I am Malka. Former 6th progenitor of the Grand Blood council...and...Mother to the very first Alpha of the Myotis.

Her eyes reflected pride in her namesake. A title no other woman held before her and one that no other one might hold after her. Malka,his mothers name was Malka. His grandfather had mentioned this...council. It was the means in which his family governed their people. A conglomerate of the major minds and spirits of their clan who speak and guide the clan. Preservers of their culture and cultivators of their legacies. But this term Alpha...he had never heard of such a thing.

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Inariel Myotis
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Re: Taming a Ravenous Heart (WIP)

Post by Inariel Myotis »

Allen stood as her magics caused a passage to manifest. Where were they going? He was becoming anxious the more she spoke. An Alpha? He had never heard of such a thing, the fact that she spoke of it like some form of honorary title spoke fathoms of its importance. As the passage fully manifested it resembled a door clad in several runes. Her index finger would illuminate with a cerulean gleam as she whisked it over the face of the door. Like a wave of water the door itself cascaded into a puddle o the ground. The way she wielded naten, it was like she understood and mirrored the sea. But how was she able to cause physical things to mirror it as well. Just who was she, truly.

Come,there is little time for dawdling.

He was silent, he followed after her. Upon entering through the doorway the space between them rippled like a softly touched pond. He placed his hand through first, the vibe was smooth and easy, yet it held a strong pull of his being. Something on the other side called to him. Upon entering again the terrain had switched, the cold rustic stone was now a den of warm green foliage. Littered with a myriad of plants and insects that all reflected manner of colors. His angered,frustrated and anxious spirit immediately began to melt away. It was as if this space calmed all that entered it. Where had they gone now?

"What...what is happening? Tell me, to where have we gone, what is an Alpha?"

She hesitated to speak, as if she herself was too entranced by the lull of this place. This was not easy for her to do. This was the first time she had seen her child since she had given birth. To have to now choose segments of truth to give to him...it was all unfair, to her, and to him. But she had to be brave. She alone knew what was at stake. Who and what were coming for him,what his destiny entailed. It wasn't right, he didn't deserve this, no one did. But if Myotis, no, all of Vescrutia were to survive he would need to shoulder this task. He would need a heart of equal measure to his destiny in order to make it through this. That was why to here they had come, that was why Zeik told him to come to the Court of Hearts.

Inari...Please...still the raging waters of you curiosity, know that the sea must be tranquil at times.

She said stopping short of a shrine that was encased in all manner of flowers and fruits, offerings they seemed to be to some form of being. The shrine's stone image resembled that of an fox but one that had a third eye. She knelled before it. He headed her, this place commanded complacency and stillness of the heart. He could not react if he sought to.

You are being hunted. As you have been thousands of times over. IN this life, and the many lives you have lead before.

He looked at her with such a perplexing gaze. What in the hell was she talking about? She released a deep seated sigh, she hadn't the time to tell him all. The contract needed to be forged. Her naten began to engross her and the neighboring flora. All, even Allen, now laid in the presence of the soulful glee that was the Naten of her Ava, The second heart.

I know you have questioned, have sought, you have killed due to your heart being much weaker than your desire to know. But, you must overcome this. Your enemies will destroy you other wise. Destroy all that you are, all that you were, and all that you are destined to be.

He remained silent, he could tell now was not the time to prob with questions. Through her energy he was able to feel her intent, this saturation of life she was encapsulating them all. It was like she was speaking two langues at once.

Life essence echoes twice within you.

The Wood! It had spoken those exact words to him, tis the sole reason he sought her or rather the Astral to begin with. What did this speak of?

You,my seed, my love given form. You are meant to take route in the stream of life. Upon doing so you will revive a people whos memory are long thought to have faded. In doing this, you will meet you father and find the power needed to instead become the hunter. Or place at the top of the food chain, it is your birthright.

Her naten flared briefly before starting to coalesce around her. She motioned for him to join her. He would knell down beside her. The stream of life? She would turn to him. Her eyes filled with a strange blend of happiness and woe. She felt for him and the terrible hardships to come. But she believed in his power, in his ability to overcome whatever fate had in-store for him. She placed her hands upon his chest. When this happened the naten she had collected began to transfer into him, but not into the heart he was familiar with. Instead in the middle of his chest he felt a pulsing that he had never known before. It began to palpate and wit each one he could feel her essence entering him.

Within each of the Myotis beats a second heart, our Ava. Yours had been silenced by a menacing force that attempted to take my life through a poison drenched in cursed magics. This is what prevented you from tapping into the truth of your origins. But know that with this you emotions will grow...and so..you must complete you original task given to you by Zeik. You must form a pact. Here...

She said placing his hands upon the shrine. The naten from the transfer coagulated and began to meld with his being. Upon this happening a rune began to manifest on his chest. So the wood knew, it knew all along he held Hellgate blood. Why would it not instruct him on where to go then? Why did it wait until after the advent? Who was hunting him, what was the destiny that he carried. A pact? With whom. Though he had so many questions his demeanor remained chilled. Her precne and this place kept him from feeling overwhelmed. From getting to excited. He turned to the shrine. His hand engulfed by naten invoked a resonance. The shrines third eye gleamed once, and then all three as terrible power quaked this place. The tremors eventual subdued as a small spirit resembling a fox with wings like a bat sat on top of the shrine. Its three eyes closed though pointed at Allen.

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Inariel Myotis
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Re: Taming a Ravenous Heart

Post by Inariel Myotis »

Oh look its Malka! Hows it going? Its been forever since I've seen you! Can we play today?!

The small creature seemed jovial in nature. They apparently held some kind of bond already. Allen simply starred in utter confusion. Malka, with a tired and obviously drained tone spoke.

Its good to see you too old friend, however we don't have time for to play. I have brought a new pact holder for you I...can no longer fulfill my end.

The creature whimpered slightly conveying a sadness.

B-but why Malka?! Are you leaving somewhere? Why cant you play anymore. I don't want a new person, we've been together for the last 500 years!

She smirked, she knew this wasn't going to be a simple task, but they really couldn't afford to waste any more time, the spell was nearing its end and the void...it called to her. She grabbed Allen. Placing him lower in his bow.


She snapped at it. She knew how much love they shared but this could not go on. Allen face held displeased expression. The little spirts tail spiked up as a chill of fear and alert went up its spine.

The one here, he is my son, He has received my heart and is faced with nigh insurmountable task. One that only your power can hope to help him achieve. He is naive and quick to rage, he is stubborn and prideful as hell. But he also has a love for nature and life the likes of which rivals the creators themselves. You must believe in him. You must help him, his nature...it is dangerous but his foes are even worse. I want you to forged a union. Guide him...teach him that love is just as strong a power as force! Please...this is my dying wish

The creatures little ear became stout. He could feel it. The will of her heart. She meant every word and this moved the spirits own heart in kind. It finally peered at Allen, it could sense his nasty arrogance and it almost made him barf. But his blood and soul was rich with life. He was strong, and would eventual, it groomed the right way, could become exponentially stronger.


The little fox turned his nose up at Allen as he began to invoke his own naten. A pink aura stained all who saw it. Allen vision could see the massive culmination of life energy this creature was conjuring. Who, or rather what, was this Amrit? Amrit's eyes opened, a piercing pink gaze penetrated Allen as its third eye gazed upon him as well.

You have killed before...was that life not sacred to you? Tell me...do you plan to kill again?

Allen felt this power, but also an inability to to lie. He was compelled to speak only the truth of his soul.

"I...The life of the orc...I cannot speak on what is sacred. I did not want to kill anyone, but when met with such a awesome display of might. I chose to honor that force with equal vigor. The Blood moon impacted me...I...was to weak to resit it. I do not wish to desecrate life like that again. "

He said with regret in his tone. But then he looked back up.

"However...I am one who will sit at the top. Whatever challenge is brought to me I will crumble it to ash. If I am truly being hunted... I will kill again if I must."

He spoke trustfully. While Allen was not a blood thirsty killer he desired mastery over himself and with that would come a slew of enemies. He would show them little mercy.

"I want...I want the power to master my heart. If I am to be the strongest...I now know that that requires a strong heart as well. Please...if you can help me in this...do so. Forge a pact with me...lend me you strength."

Amrit was not impressed by this guys cockiness when he started initially. But Allen admission of weakness of heart made the fox spirit give him the benefit of the doubt.

Very well. We cant have you going around slaughtering the masses now can we? I will form a pact with you. My power...it is the power to bring stillness to the raging tide, to quell the howls of the fearsome wind. I am Amrit, sprite of serenity. My term is. You must play with me everyday until you die! Oh and you must swear to not kill unless you really absolutely positively must! Deal?

His piercing third gaze commanded truth. Allen smirked, what kinda of irritating perculair creature did he just get sworn to. he looked to MLK, she was fading fast. He wanted to share more time with her. sO much she could teach him.

"Fine,whatever on this I swear."

his mothers rune. The spirits hopped inside of him. Their essence melded to one. Allen could feel something within him shift. He offered his hand to his mother, she softly took it before staning. She ws becoming more translucent by the second.

"who...who hunted yopu? I vow, on all that I M nd will become. I will become the hunter...i will vanquish those who took you from me."

SShe smiledd coyley before looking at the fading realm around them.

Find your family Inari. Go...be amongst your people. It is you plce to lead them. They will need yourstrengh and you their love. There are eons of culture and knoweldg you must observe for you are the one who will carry it into eternity. yOu foes will come to you, just be sure you are ready for their arrial. I love you little fox. Inariel solas Myotis. If only...

Her form began to dissipate beforte him as the realm around them crumbled...her hand reahed his face,such joy in her eyes. her voice crakling

Your birth name. HOw i wish you couldve grown in its meaningit regalia. Find your other half. come to love all that you are...

and with that the darkness return once more. as light reentered he ws again in front of the amaris wing. his eyes filled with A MIXTURE OF ANGER,PAIN,JOY AND determination. He knew not IF HE could live as she wouldve hoped. BuT AT THE VERY LEAST HE WOULD LEARN THIS PLACE. He would give the atsral a try. did zeik know of this, is that why he was sent here?

"Tch...family huh?"

He said as he touchd his rune. it gleamed slightly as he turned to leave this place. There was something new for him on the horizon. To know the power of humanity. to know...the power of the heart. His mission was proressing...and now so would he.

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