The Realm of Helidor [End]

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Re: The Realm of Helidor

Post by Okoye »

“I– I don't understand VSL.. Clara told me much about you and your culture.. but aside from the rumors and negative connotations surrounding the Empire, I am unfamiliar with the Mazoku as well. However..”

She admitted, while holding up her open paw with one hand and creating a magical mantra with the other. This generated a tiny notepad and pen from a blister of sapphire light.

“I figured we should still be able to communicate while you were here.”
Okoye held up her hand in protest, signifying that she didn't need the notepad as she pointed to her earrings.

“These earrings are forged from Theta Crystals. They allow me to project my thoughts to those of my choosing within a certain range. And please, no need to feel embarrassed.. if I had the choice, I wouldn't know VSL either.”

She replied with a smile as she gathered all of her books and belongings before standing up to extend her hand to Aisha. It was only then that Okoye got a whiff of her own body odor, and it caused her face to twist in disgust. No wonder people were avoiding her entirely.. Okoye retracted her hand and opted for a modest bow to show her gratitude, instead.

"..You have my thanks, Aisha.. for saving my life. But I wanted you to know that it was not a monster that attacked me, but an Ice Fae. He is incredibly strong, and has sworn allegiance to that Empire you've heard so much about.. I fear he and a battalion of armed soldiers will soon trace our steps to your door. And for that, I am sorry. "

Okoye was confident in her chilling warning, despite having no joy in relaying it. Sadly, she knew in her heart that the B'halian Empire would soon find their way to the Realm of Helidor and would stop it nothing to find her. She wasn't exactly sure why, or what Akundae's motivations were, but it was safe to assume he didn't want a potential heir roaming his planet. Especially an that looked so blatantly human.. so delicate and weak.. She was right to assume so. After she escaped her B'halian prison, and displayed the true potential of her Mazoku DNA, she'd been on the lamb—desperately searching for power. Reading, training, getting stronger every way she knew how. Akundae was wise to this, and the Emporer was acting accordingly. He wouldn't have his throne threatened by something like her..

Okoye knew just her being here put the entire wellbeing of the Gilded Fangs at risk. Which was why she was so hellbent on leaving as soon as she could. These were good people.. Clara, Aisha, and Erigor especially, but Okoye knew in her heart she wouldn't be able defend them when the bell tolled. She wasn't strong enough. But after learning what she did from Ellios, and from what she gathered from Euriel's inscribed volumes of Fuuijutsu, she could feel herself making some ground in the proper direction.

"I'd like to speak with the Guildmaster, Erigor. He should be warned as soon possible about their imminent arrival."

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Re: The Realm of Helidor

Post by Fate I »

Okoye held up her hand in protest, signifying that she didn't need the notepad as she pointed to her earrings.

“These earrings are forged from Theta Crystals. They allow me to project my thoughts to those of my choosing within a certain range. And please, no need to feel embarrassed.. if I had the choice, I wouldn't know VSL either.”

She replied with a smile as she gathered all of her books and belongings before standing up for… a modest bow to show her gratitude..
Aisha was slightly thrown off kilter by Okoye's sudden psionic presence, but this wasn't the first time she communicated with a telepath. The Spectral Fang, one of the most powerful members of the Gilded Fang, solely communicated via telepathy. Still, it was slightly odd to talk to someone who couldn't physically reply. To anyone else looking at them, it would seem as if Aisha was talking at Okoye rather than with her.
”You have my thanks.. But I wanted you to know that it was not a monster that attacked me, but an Ice Fae.. I fear he and a battalion of soldiers will soon trace our steps to your door. And for that I'm sorry..

..I'd like to speak with the Guildmaster, Erigor. He should be warned as soon possible about their imminent arrival.”
“Yes, Clara spoke about this.. but allow me to soothe your anxieties. Erigor is well aware of the B'halian Empire and their extensive reach across Vescrutia, but you needn't worry about us. Helidor is heavily safeguarded by powerful spells and barriers designed to ward off all calibers of beast or monster. The Den is no different. Should the Empire ever discern our location, we are more than equipped to defend ourselves.”

She said with triumphant confidence.

"However, if you still like to speak with Erigor you can. He's certainly asked to see you once your condition improved. But how about we grab you some food and a shower first?"

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Re: The Realm of Helidor

Post by Fate I »



Aisha presented Okoye with a full scale tour of the Gilded Fang's Headquarters, beginning with the guild's illustrious commissary. There, the young woman was allowed to eat her weight in exotic Helidor cuisines before Aisha introduced her to one of the many rooms the guild provided for new, contemporary hunters.

Then, after a well deserved shower, Okoye reconvened with Aisha outside of Erigor's Chambers. And despite her nonplussed expression, Okoye was more eager about meeting the esteemed Guild Commander than she let on. Euriel's manuscript contained a detailed recounting of Erigor's past triumphs, centuries ago during the establishment of the Gilded Fangs. She learned how his selflessness and unprecedented strength established a foundation for the Realm of Helidor to prosper, despite an abundance of malevolent entities drawn to the border of the enchanted kingdom. He was a living legend, illustrated by the multitude of portraits and sculptures modeled in his likeness throughout the fortress. Every pair of lips that spoke his name only did so with seraphic reverence. Still, despite his prestige, Okoye couldn't help but feel anxious. Aside from putting a face to the legend, she was here to warn him of an impending crisis. She knew that another contingent of B'halian soldiers were marching toward Helidor at this very moment in search of her and she had trouble believing that Erigor would be enough to stop them. But at least Aisha seemed convinced.

"Is something wrong?”

She asked as Okoye approached the door. Aisha's was waiting eith her arms crossed and leaning against the wall. She was a perceptive individual and immediately noticed Okoye's dejected expression.

“Was it the food? I tried to warn you away from the free commissary meals. I've found that the vendors tend to recycle uneaten meat more often than I'd like. In truth, if you aren't used to eating the exotic meats native to Helidor, it would be best to simply stick to the vegetarian options.”

She said, attempting to ease her ornery attitude with a bit of humor. But Okoye didn't seem like the type to joke around too much.

"When you're ready, Erigor is eager to meet with you."

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Re: The Realm of Helidor

Post by Okoye »

"Is something wrong?”

She asked as Okoye approached the door.

“Was it the food? I tried to warn you away from the free commissary meals. I've found that the vendors tend to recycle uneaten meat more often than I'd like. In truth, if you aren't used to eating the exotic meats native to Helidor, it would be best to simply stick to the vegetarian options.”

She said, attempting to ease her ornery attitude with a bit of humor. But Okoye didn't seem like the type to joke around too much.
Okoye was not the joking type.. She did not smile or smrik, but she did respond by speaking through the psionic channel provided by her earrings.

"The food is not the problem.. but I've had better."

She commented plainly. She'd eaten a bowl of Ramen with diced veggies and some sort of poultry she'd never heard of before today, but that wasn't the reason her stomach was in twists. Okoye was culturing her mind. Preparing her questions. From what she understood, the man behind that door was beyond reproach in everyway. She couldnt help but think that Erigor would possess some abhorrent ego that would ignore anything that came out of her mouth that sounded like a warning. He was described as, among other things, an extraordinary leader.. but he also never bothered to assemble a council of advisors. In fact, aside from the Orion Consortia, Erigor knew no peer within or outside of Helidor. And Okoye knew enough about powerful men to assume how he'd react to the news of an incoming threat. She only hoped he didn't take her prescence here as an omen. But she'd fiddled her thumbs long enough.
"When you're ready, Erigor is eager to meet with you."
Okoye nodded and Aisha guided them through the door.

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Re: The Realm of Helidor

Post by Fate I »

Stepping into Erigor's Sanctum felt like crossing the threshold into a realm of boundless wonder. The walls whispered tales of triumph, adorned with the remnants of vanquished monsters- Gleaming scales shimmered beside the windows, talons the size of tree trunks adorned the crackling fireplace, and the beheaded busts of nameless creatures hung like sentinel upon the walls, their gazes frozen in time.

At the heart of the room was a table crafted from the bones of those fallen beasts where Erigor sat in contemplative silence. His attention was fixated upon a holographic globe hovering above the table, casting an otherworldly glow upon the chamber. It detailed the known territories of Vescrutia, each pulsating marker signifying the emergence of malevolent entities. Specialized legends marked the ongoing battle against Sardonyx Radiation, highlighting the afflicted regions.

Erigor's visage was partially obscured by a cross-shaped scar tracing his left eye, a testament to his battles. His silver beard bristled with determination, while a cascade of platinum hair flowed like a waterfall down his back, embodying his unwavering strength and resilience.

“Ah, Aisha you've returned.. and you've brought our esteemed guest."

Erigor said, turning away from the hologram to address the two faces that passed through his door. His voice was strong and deeper than any valley in Helidor. It commanded authority with hardly any effort. Aisha acknowledged Erigor with a soft nod before she stepped aside to concede the floor to Okoye.

"My name is Erigor, to whom do I owe the pleasure?”

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Re: The Realm of Helidor

Post by Okoye »

“Ah, Aisha you've returned.. And you've brought our esteemed guest I see. To whom do I owe the pleasure?”

Erigor said, turning away from the hologram to address the two faces that passed through his door.. Aisha acknowledged Erigor with a soft nod before she stepped aside to concede the floor to Okoye.
Okoye took a breath and immediately got on with it. She didn't bother asking him if he knew sign language, she was getting used to allowing her earrings to project her thoughts. It was wayyy more convenient.

"Okay, look.. My name is Okoye. Thank you for allowing me to stay under your care. Unfortunately, I'm here to tell you that because of your kindness, this Guild may soon be under attack.. “

She said with lines of tension tightening her face.

”The enemy A'isha saved me from was not some monster you'd hunt for sport. For the passed year I've been hunted by the B'halian Empire, and I'm not sure how much you think you know about the Empire, but the truth is a thousand percent worse than any story you've ever heard. "

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Re: The Realm of Helidor

Post by Fate I »

Okoye took a breath and immediately got on with it. She didn't bother asking him if he knew sign language, she was getting used to allowing her earrings to project her thoughts. It was wayyy more convenient.

".. My name is Okoye.. Thank you for allowing me to stay under your care. Unfortunately, I'm here to tell you that because of your kindness, this Guild may soon be under attack.. “
Erigor didn't seem at all bothered from hearing Okoye's disembodied voice. He was familiar with Theta Crystals and their unique function and noticed her wearing them when she walked in. He was an old man, who'd been around a long time. There was no inital shock of hearing her voice without seeing her lips move, he was able to focus on what she was saying easily.
"..For the past year I've been hunted by the B'halian Empire, and I'm not sure how much you think you know about the Empire, but the truth is a thousand percent worse than any story you've ever heard."
“.. straight to the point then? Very direct. I like it.. Well to start, it is nice to meet you young lady. Clara has told me much about you and your prior challenges leading up to your arrival in Helidor. I'm glad to see you are alright. ”

He said with a slight bow.

“And I am familiar enough with the Bhalian Empire to be appropriately weary. I understand that their influence has metastasized beyond the Astra Sea and has established a global foothold following years of imperialization; enough for the majority of the world to consider them Vescrutia's foremost powerful continental superpower. But allow me to allay your fears.”

He continued proudly, folding his massive arms across his robed chest as he leaned slightly on the table.

”While your warning is appreciated, The Gilded Fangs have safeguarded this realm for over three hundred years and despite our abundance of natural resources, the Empire has never set foot in Helidor. And there is a good reason for that.”

Aisha couldn't help but smile.

”Yes.. and his name is Erigor Pharlonious..”

Aisha wanted to let Erigor speak for himself. She had every intention of being more or less a bystander during this introductory conversation, but her confidence in her commanders triumphs past, present and beyond slipped from her mouth like a peaceful whisper. Erigor had been a protector of the realm long before she was even born, but she had the privilege of seeing his legend come to life. He was capable of things that rhetoric alone would fail to capture. And in his prime, he was comparable to a God given flesh.

He was the reason, indeed, that Helidor slept so soundly when there was a different breed of monster threatening their borders every night. Aisha's compulsive fervor flattered Erigor into a smile, barely hidden beneath his coarse silver beard.

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Re: The Realm of Helidor

Post by Okoye »

..allow me to allay your fears.”

He continued proudly, folding his massive arms across his robed chest as he leaned slightly on the table.

”While your warning is appreciated, The Gilded Fangs have safeguarded this realm for over three hundred years and despite our abundance of natural resources, the Empire has never set foot in Helidor. And there is a good reason for that.”

”Yes.. and his name is Erigor Pharlonious..”
Okoye smacked her lips. Her eyes gleaned over Aisha but only for a moment before returning toErigor. She only just met the man, but she was already sick of being here. Between his immense sense of pride in his own abilities, coupled with Aisha's need to worship the very air he inhaled, she almost couldn't roll her eyes hard enough.

”..If they have never been to Helidor, how can either of you be so sure?”

She retorted, folding her arms in response to Erigor's baseless boast.

”I'm willing to bet neither of you have ever seen a B'halian Infantry. Sure you have records of their abilities; I've stumbled upon a few within the Athenaeum, but unless you have some sort of secret weapon, none of what you know will amount to shit.. You have no idea what they are capable of.. and with all due respect to for saving me and all, both of you sound more conceited than confident. And that irks me.”

She turned her head to Aisha, who despite standing next to her, was as much of her audience as Erigor. Their mutual opinion of his indomitable abilities could very well bring Helidor to ruin if they hadn't considered his strength alone wasn't enough. Her eyes were cold, like pools of blood, but her words held no bite to them. She wasn't trying to scare them.. Well, not entirely. She wanted them to be smart. Rational.

”If the Mazoku have never been to Helidor , its only because they didn't have an incentive. Aside from the Gilded Fangs, this Kingdom is predominantly human, right? Well, The Emporer could care less whether a faction of humans live or die. But trust me, If he wants something bad enough..”

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Re: The Realm of Helidor

Post by Fate I »

”I'm willing to bet neither of you have ever seen a B'halian Infantry. Sure you have records of their abilities; I've stumbled upon a few within the Athenaeum, but unless you have some sort of secret weapon, none of what you know will amount to shit.. You have no idea what they are capable of.. and with all due respect for saving me and all, both of you sound more conceited than confident...

..If the Mazoku have never been to Helidor , its only because they didn't have an incentive.. If the Emporer wants something bad enough..
"I assume he'll come and get it."

Aisha felt the passion beneath Okoye's coarse language. There was truth to what she said; not nearly enough for her to belay her convictions I'm Erigor, but certainly enough to get her thinking.

“If what you say is true, then it begs the question.. What incentive do they have for hunting for you? What do you possess that they want?”

She asked, sounding a tad more probing than she intended. She was curious, of course, but her fixation on the matter brought forth a more interrogative tone than an inquisitive one. Aisha didn't share Okoye's fears of the allegedly encroaching army, not yet anyway. Though she did have her questions and concerns, and figured now was as good a time as any to ask them. If Okoye was being hunted by an entire continent, then she was a fugitive? A terrorist? Perhaps she aligned with their imperial law at one point, only to betray them and sell their secrets. Is that what she intended to do now?

Erigor didn't think so.


He interjedted. He didn't want this to turn into an interrogation.

"The Kingdom of Helidor and its people reside behind powerful barriers, forged from the paragons of Gilded Fang wizardry. Aisha and Myself included. You needn't worry about your enemy locating you here, I assure you. And you needn't answer why you are here or why they are chasing you. Whatever the case may be, I trust that you left because you wanted to be on the right side of history."

He asserted proudly, with a loaded glance directed toward Aisha. He'd known her long enough to convey his thoughts with a glare; one she'd grown accustomed to during her years as a budding hunter. Patience and restraint were virtues he instilled in her long before today, and she remembered his lessons constantly. She nodded in agreement, not compulsion.

“And though It may seem hubristic to you, I believe in the ability of my hunters to protect the Kingdom from any threat, no matter the cost. And as their Commander, they expect the same from me. That being said, I'm not so arrogant that I'd ignore a helping hand. Especially not one extended so openly.”

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Re: The Realm of Helidor

Post by Okoye »

“If what you say is true, then it begs the question.. What incentive do they have for hunting for you? What do you possess that they want?”

She asked, sounding a tad more probing than she intended. She was curious, of course, but her fixation on the matter brought forth a more interrogative tone than an inquisitive one.
Aisha's words weighted Okoye's eyes to the ground. She winced slightly, as if speaking the answer burned her tongue. But it mostly just left a rotting feeling of guilt in her chest and throat..
”..Whatever the case may be, I trust that you left because you wanted to be on the right side of history.. I'm not so arrogant that I'd ignore a helping hand. Especially not one extended so openly.”
“I am the Emperor's daughter.. The rightful heir to the B'halian Empire.”

She folded her arms even tighter as she distracted herself with the various trophies hung along the wall as she entertained Aisha's question. But she only did so on account of Erigor's amicable words.

“As far as a helping hand, I can only do so much. I was exiled from Bhalia when I was a child for obvious reasons. They figured I was a mutant and probably didn't want to tarnish the reputation of the royal seed, or whatever.. so they got rid of me. My existence is a blight to the throne, and his “majesty”, Akundae. Any Mazoku born with genetic abnormalities are subject to the death penalty.. both child and parent. It's how they've maintained such a pure bloodline throughout so many generations, but as you can imagine.. my father wasn't too keen with this law at the time.”

She continued on with a stale face, unmoved from reliving her less than ideal childhood.

“To expose me as a mutant would convict the Emperor to death. They wanted me to just disappear so no one would know the truth.. I'm guessing they just want to kill me now that they know I'm less human than they thought. But to answer your question, I do see myself on the right side of history. I could live a millions lives before I atone for the sins of my father, but I plan to assert myself to the throne as soon as possible.. I just need time to get stronger.”

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