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Roadmap Template: Shifts at Cold Frontier

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 9:40 pm
by Ves
Primary Objective - Train in the Art of Service as an employee of Cold Frontier

Lore Primer - Diamond Dust has volunteers stationed in multiple places across Vescrutia, as the members are more often than not individuals from the places Diamond Dust conducts their work for. Their crisis response training is built on the foundation of Tinjutsu, the Art of Service, passed through all members of the organization and taught at Cold Frontier locations at specific coordinates across the world. These locations that operate as Public Houses, Inns, and Marketplaces for the nearby residents, simultaneously operate training camps for Tinjutsu both at each establishment and in every crisis they take on. As a member of Diamond Dust, you are expected to work at a Cold Frontier location and master your Art of Service.

Op Level - TBD

Location - Cold Frontier, Tarkan Plains

Faces - Marquae Noel, Ovan Hellgate

Foes - Daily Service

Factions - Diamond Dust

Places - TBD

Party - TBD

Extra Bits - TBD