Royal Regrets(Finished)

The mountainous area North of Neo Arcturus. Powerful slabs of stone stagger towards the sky, peaking at a verdant, grass covered plateau. The Gafren Tribes call this area their home where they live in close harmony with the Spirit of the Land.
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Royal Regrets(Finished)

Post by Dalazar Denkou »


In a virtually endless expanse of dark, a single drop of water would echo relentlessly. His sapphire mirrors shyly crept open to see a smiling white-haired face before him. His eyes would widen doubt instantly stained his heart. But whether he believed this visage to be real or illusion the fact alone that his eyes even could gaze upon this person was fruit enough. that you?

His arm reached out, his palms wide. The closer he got to touching to figure the further away they got. His face befallen with a grimace. He desperately reached trying to grab onto the face of the figure before him.

Big Brother?

The sound of the boy's voice reverberated endlessly, it knawed at Dazuma and unrelenting sensation of...guilt. His teeth would grit, his eyes would water. He blinked only once and at that moment now was in a wide field. Empty nothing around but grassland and clouds for what seemed to stretch into eternity itself. The winds caressed his clothing. He gripped his right arm. Looking about the realm around him. That voice...

"It was his voice"

He knew the owner of that voice. He had laid side y side it since before he could even comprehend speech. From days as a spec of life being cultivated in the gut of his mother. It belonged to...


The mere utterance sent the entire realm into a flux, it rattled, Nazuma's name roared and raged the earth split in twain creating a gargantuan expanse, the clouds coagulated and darkened, the skies rampaged and thunder shot from the sky. The winds ravaged the terrain. His heart rate rocketed his gaze shifted above where he laid eyes on but a single image. A boy his size, his body clasped in red lightning. His eyes scored with hatred.

How dare you scum...

His power flexed the wind accelerated tenaciously engulfing Dazuma and this entity in a fearsome tornado.


Dazuma could barely breathe amongst the raging fury of his brother. His eyes oozing tears, his right hand gripping his chest as he fell to the ground. Oh...he sobbed. His one fiercest regret...laid present before him.

"N-no, Nazuma...please...

And with that utterance, a barrage of wind pellets came raining down upon him, each with enough power to pitching through solid rock. Dazuma bellowed in agony. His face was cut by one of the pellets causing his right cheek to bleed. He looked up to his brother once more. Grief had stricken him with lethargy. His regrets holding him captive.

The Prodigal son, The true Emerald King, Rai-Father, Nation birther...

Each title seemed to infuriate Nazuma even further. The overwhelming sensation of rage overcoming him. He pointed his hand down hand dazuma His index targeting his twin brother. A solemn gleam of light showed for but an instant before a large ball of green energy began to amass around the point of Nazumas finger.


Hints of vermillion bolts of power could be seen crackling about the energy sphere. Death would surely be the result of even touching such an awesome display of sheer magical might. Dazuma couldn't even move if he wanted to...and he didn't. His head lowered before his brother. He could barely speak, the pain from the earlier assault and the devilish winds made it hard to breathe. He prostrated himself, he was pleading...begging. Not for his treacherous life to be spared...but for...

"P-please b-brother...forgi--

Before he could even finish Nazuma flew into a greater fit and sent the massive beam of wind magic rocketing towards Dazuma Right before it hit Dazum closed his eyes, accepting his brother merciless vehemence...but then...


Again the sound of water dropping onto a puddle would reverberate again, it rippled through the space around them causing the world to crack and shatter leaving Dazuma to fall into an abyss amongst the debris.


He took in a massive breath, his eyes jotted upon and he quickly rose upward. Ragged was the sound of his panting gripping his chest with both hands. He took in the scene around him, realizing he was no longer before Nazuma in the previous world he began to calm himself. His breath normalized as he began to take in the grossly familiar decorum of his room. Books numbering in the thousand laid before him. Gold and silver littered the place, woven into the very architecture from the ceiling ruined with shimmering green and yellow crystals. The beauty did always ring a calm to his inner storms. He released a sigh of relief.

It was...just a dream?

The embers thriving in his fireplaces crackling with a similar rhythm to that of Nazuma lightning. He clenched his covers and pulled them closer to his face, nestling his head betwixt his kneecaps and the covers he began to weep heavily.

"If...If so then...why does it hurt sooo bad...
Last edited by Dalazar Denkou on Wed Jan 08, 2020 12:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Royal Regrets

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

Roughly two hours would slowly go by before Dazuma could finally calm down enough to lift his head. Laying sight on his room once more he heaves a heavy breath before removing his blankets. Sitting in the center of his massive bed he fought against a litter of pillow and stuffed animals to get to the edge of his bed. Before he could attempt to get down on the small step ladder that helps him down he hears a hefty knock at the door.

My Lord, May I?

Another familiar voice, but this one he harbored no ill relation to, if anything, this voice was deep in octave and in Dazumas heart, owned by his most trusted and loyal knight.


He spoke with a rigid authority. Upon so a man would enter standing about six feet five inches. His bodice was seasoned and covered in markings both of his House; Urso as well as those of battle. He was ordained in casual ursorian casual garbs and a pendant that bore the family crest, which if he didn't know him would be the only thing besides his blade to depict him as royalty. He would come fully in and close the door behind him. Placing his right hand over his heart he would bow then kneel before Dazuma. His hair fell on his shoulder as the midnight Dazuma had just awoken from. Dazuma would hop down from his bed and could barely be seen blushing. His head would fall slightly on his shoulder as he tenses up a bit. Hed side eyes the knight.

" Geez Evant how many times must I tell you, It's odd to see you bowing like that."

The knights gaze still resting downward and shut off from the visage of dazuma and his room.

With all due respect my Lord you are the Second Prince of the most prestigious house in all of the Kingdom. It would dishonor me not to greet you with due reverence my liege.

Dazuma cringed but it smoothly changed into a smirk. Evant, he had practically been by Dazuma's side his entire life, looking after him keeping him and his twin out of trouble. He even voluntarily swore himself as Dazuma's Vulkyn, which is normally a knight who is personally chosen by the King or Queen in eternal fielty to protect a member of the throne. He is also Dazumas teacher, mentor, and guide. Whereas it was once his father who held those titles Evant took them up after the King passed away nearly eight years ago.

"Very well then,Rise."

He'd chuckle as his gaze was met with that of Evant's. Such a stern glare Evant so casually wore, eyes carried a flaring intensity like that of a sun-scorched sky. But now that the formalities had been resolved they would soften to that of a gentle sunset upon the horizon. He always found such comfort in the sights of his knight.

Now that your masochistic ritual of honor is done to what do I owe the please, my friend?

Evant would smirk. Dazuma quick-witted speech often amused him, he was the Second son of the house that has sworn to guide and protect the Ri're far beyond the reaches of time...he might have a knack for being a bit overbearing. But Dazuma unlike most members of the family did not make him feel like a servant but a role model despite their class difference.

Ya know something? If your swordsmanship was as refined as your wordplay then maybe you would be the teacher.

Dzuma would suck his teeth. It was n secret that Evant was the better warrior of the two. As many times as Dazuma had come close to beating him, Evant always makes an impossible come back and completely turns the tide.

Yeah yeah what do you want Evant. I'm sure you've other duties than to ponder my swordplay. You are a second son same as I after all.

He said in a dismissive and cheeky tone. His robes clasping his body in their fine silk threads. While waiting for his knight's response he walked over to his favorite bookcase. Imported from the Chaos its made from a rare wood only found in the Maaluukian Woods. His eyes would run along the various titles as to what book he was searching for was unknown, perhaps he was merely stalling for time.

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Re: Royal Regrets

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

Tch Indeed...

Said Evant as his eyes stayed focused on his charge. He was always thinking of Dazuma's wellbeing, even when Prince himself felt it be rather paternal then structural. He would rise, Now dwarfing his liege in size he looked down at Dazuma his eye narrowing.

Though truth be told your swordplay is my duty.

His tone was stern, Dazuma knew what this meant. He was in for a rocky ride in training today. Probably not a good thing to talk shit to the man who can ruin your day with but a simple command...

" H-hey now Evant no need to--

He said not daring to make eye contact. He strummed along a series of book, categorized with various moments of his childhood and tails him and his brother often were read by his mother. His eyes shifted between them. The thoughts surrounding Nazu and his nightmare drifted into his consciousness. His mood became colder. But this did not deter his mentor who firmly and with King like authority spoke.

Training field...Now...

He could sense something troubled the prince. Dazuma was typically a sassy child but he could sense his spirit was heavy today. He knew exactly what he needed. Dazuma's head, however, would fall down and a deep-seated sigh would flee from his lips. One day he was gonna learn how to hide his irritable moods.

Yes sir...

His eyes shifted to the lest were the dr was. After the night he had he really had hoped to stay in and do some reading, but instead he was being read cover to cover. Shit, he supposed he might as well changed. He'd gently look/back over his shoulder to his Vulkyn and lightly wave for him to dismiss himself so that he could get dressed. He knew this would be a fierce session he would need time to prepare. Evant would bow lightly and take his leave no doubt to prepare the course Dazuma would be put on today.

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Re: Royal Regrets

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

Ah...Here it is...

He found it, the book he was searching for. Hidden amongst the myriad of scriptures written about the varying cultures of the world and its past. It was an old ragged thing that he and his brother must've frolicked through hundreds of times. A musty ole tome that was an ode to the first Emerald King. The progenitor of his curse. Dazuma himself though possessing adept knowledge of the arcane was by no means on the same spectrum like those of his brothers Nazuma or even Sheng who was the reining Emerald King. A god incarnate. Hell, he was the only one who lacked the birthright at all. Even Nazua was something...extraordinary. He worked hard for everything he earned, ability wise at least. Dazuma reflected back to his dream. There Nazu spits titles at him, different things the people of the Kingdom had spoken of him, not because of his abilities...but because of how he approached the folks in his Kingdom. Sheng was a stern King. He ruled with a fearsome fist that was filled with pride. He oppressed those of non-royal birth and even treated the royal like they were just as mundane but at least hed look them in the eyes.

Such a man...

Was not fit to be King in his eyes. But then again neither was he. He would walk over to his closet. Pressing his hand on a glyph on the side of the double doors he waited briefly as it would flash a bright violet color and synch with his naten. After doing so they would open revealing a walk-in closet space that might as well been a townhouse in and of itself.

As he entered his space Dazuma could not shake the words of his twin. The true Emerald King. He sucked his teeth once more as he headed down a long passageway. On the sides of him were myriads of cases, dressers and draws filled with varying kinds f fabrics and regalia. He was a bit of an eccentric when It came to his clothing, Garbs from distant lands that he had his mother import. It was there main means of obtaining from the outside world...especially Dazuma. Four years ago after the mayhem surrounding his brother's exile, he was forbidden from ever leaving the Kingdoms domain. To do so would see him stripped ad exiled just the same as Nazuma. He never quite understood Sheng's decree.

Why would he not exile us both?

It was a question Dazuma had been fumbling over for the last few years. Though Dazuma shed no blood, unlike his brother...Dazuma was the one who came up with the plan to leave the palace and sneak aboard the Valkire caravan. But some strange reason showed him leniency...even though the incident ended with the death of Shengs soon to have been queen.

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Re: Royal Regrets

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

A gorgeous woman she was. Pinnacle of beauty and brains even if sometimes she could be a bit dense. Flashes of her smiles aggravated Dazuma train of thought. He slowed down he traversing of the closet space, just stepping a few feet away from his destination. Visions of her amber skin and piercing yellow eyes skipped around his psyche. Her body soaked in her blood and pieces of flesh falling from her. Dazuma stopped, his eyes began to water and he bit down on his bottom lip. His anxiety surrounding his dream was starting to bring flashbacks of the day that Nazuma slaughtered the Valkyrie brigand that was sent to save him. Among them was Shengs now deceased lover...


He dropped to his knees, crumbling under the guilt that seemed to weigh tons. He grabbed his chest, holding the childhood tale book close to his heart. Dazuma was losing his grip. This wasn't like him to brood and pine. He was the royal prince of the greatest house of the Denkou! But when his status was set before his love for his twin it couldn't hold a candle to it. The last four years had been eating away at him.

His baby brother thrown to the wolves sent to live in a foreign land. He and Dazuma had never been apart from one another their entire childhood. Often times, if it wasn't for Nazuma, Dazuma wouldn't have made it through some of the craziest scenarios. He was always willing to defend Dazu he always took the blame. He martyred himself for the sake of their bond...and how did Dazuma return his brother's loyalty? By falling silent, he did not defend him. He simply stayed in a child's place.

Dazuma sat, he cracked open the book after breathing in deeply a few times. His eyes traced the scriptures. Nothing but memories, tales of times soon to be forgotten. Oh, the treasures they must hide...

"That's how all this began really...with this fucking wives tale!"

His focus began to drift, he began recalling that day...four years ago when his brother was banished...

Four Years ago

Come on Dazu, don't be such a wuss.

The regal design of his closet would dissolve before him, reality would seem to crumble and in its ashes, the scenery from 4 years ago would manifest. Atop Mt.Vulkyn he was. Massive earthly configurations of all sorts could be found far as the eye could see. They formed from a culmination of mining and natural terraforming thanks to the ever convulsing storms of the Emerald Ascension. Caverns of all kinds littered the vast expanse before them. Some that dwarfed the twin's and others that were just big enough for them to explore, they really should've found themselves some business within the kingdom. But Dazuma explorative curiosity and his twin's loyalty to follow his brother to the ends of the world warranted such a of defiance...and blood. One that Dazuma even to this day did not know would set the gears of fate in motion and bring about a change in the Denkou royal line forever.

I promise I'll just fly us right back home.

He was always so sure, so confident. This was something Dazu often envied of his brother, birthright aside when they were younger Nazuma was always so much stronger physically and mentally. Dazuma was so timid, so afraid to reveal his want of knowledge, to explore knowing it was forbidden. He felt like he wasn't able to be himself. A scholar at heart. He just didn't want to disappoint his parents...he was a prince, his path predetermined. But Nazua he was just He claimed his take on who and what he was. He let no one's expectations shackle him, no one's opinions bind him. The only persons say he really cherished was...

I'm sure anyone who wanted to hurt us knows they can't because we are the descendants of the Great Emerald King

The Emerald King. At this time it was Dazuma father who held that title. When he unexpectedly died it was Sheng who claimed this birthright. It was an odd phenomenon in and of itself. By the known Denkou history. An Emerald King was a god bound to mortal flesh A king amongst kings. It was also said this power was to only arise every other millennium for the kings themselves live for a maximum of a thousand years. Many wondered why but in that entire reign, an Emerald King has never sired more than two children one of which would inherit that power. But with Sheng it was different, He was born at the beginning of their father reign...he inherited part of their father's power the moment he was conceived...even stranger he gt more powerful when their father passed away... No...

Yung Dazuma couldn't wrap his head around this lunacy right now. He was far too entranced by the realm before him. How many times in his dreams had he walked these same caverns? Toiled over these same emotions.

"Mom said to never come out this far Nazu. And the walls here are very weak and could fall through."

The little snow-haired child would cry out. Nazu was always so reckless, he just got up and go. Dazuma was the brains, always had been. But he was equally wrapped up in those thoughts as his brother was lacking in them. Nazuma was, however, getting dangerously close to the edge of a cliff. He was getting worried. He was always testing his older brothers patience.

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Re: Royal Regrets

Post by Dalazar Denkou »


That's all Dazu did, that's all he had time to actually do before He saw half of his brother image swallowed by the horizon beyond his line of sight. Nazu had plummeted into a hole of pitch black. The vision of young Dazuma fell to his knees. Tears streaming, hands stretching out into the seemingly ever-growing abyss beneath him. Dazu was soaked in horror he knew it! He fucking knew it, but his bashful demeanor would not let him raise his voice, always being stifled trying to model the perfect prince. No more, he could stomach the suppression no longer and with a fearsome high pitched cry he screamed...


The force of his bellow was so great and deeply rooted Dazuma's magical power was sent in flux, for but single second his eyes flashed a green hue before he would unintentionally send massive shockwaves of power rippling through the caverns. The initial impact force was heavy enough to completely decimate the pillars holding together weaker portions of the ceiling. With the vale of earthy matter having nothing to tether to would rain down a horrific deluge of stone upon the child. So stuck in his grief, petrified with despite didn't even notice that he too had been snared within the jaws of peril. That was until he briefly heard a song, one so familiar to him. Dazuma felt weightless, his vision cloudy, reality seemed to shift once more as he fell unconscious.

Present Day...

Dazuma face would be planted on the floor of what he would son to discover was back inside the comfort of his closet. The plush carpet smelled of lilac and lemon, it's aroma danced across his nostrils and were consumed when he took a deep breath. He would begin to push himself up from the floor, exhaling an even heavier sigh. Its undertone bitter and disgruntled. He'd roll his neck around and tried to loosen himself up, god was he stiff.

I am truly loosing my mind...

It was...shocking what just played in his mind. He has had a dream similar to the reality he was just in, but something didn't quite add up, and that scream. Its ripples still echoed in Dazuma's heart. He could feel the aftermath of pain left by that scar. The hole where his brother used to be. Dazuma walked over to his sink, its porcelain frame encrusted with all manner of rare yet gaudy stones. Turning the cold water run he placed his hand underneath to keep tabs on the temperature. All the while catching his gaze focused on his reflection. His deep oceanic mirrors were fixated on each other. Oggling every nonexisting flaw on his face, at least the ones not visible to the eyes. Dazuma facial expression was drenched in anguish as he had literally seen a ghost. Noticing the water was almost about to overflow the snow-haired prince rushed to turn the faucet off. Letting the water pool in front of him his gaze was shortly engaged before he plunged his hands in and ran the water over his face.

Something about today. Dazuma never recalled blacking out in the before his brother's disappearance let alone after. His head was still fuzzy but his demeanor had congealed and coiled.

I should really hurry to the training dome. Evant is patient but every dog has its day."

Hed smirk in the mirror before jetting off to a door within his closet. Several glyph stained the walls around it each a part of a code that guarded Dazuma three most sacred possessions. The junior potentate would proceed to charge his hands full of magic, spark trickling down to the floor below as small crackles and pops would echo through the expanse. Lightning manifested ad with an intricate weaver of the now present energy dazuma would cause the stream of power following his motions to intersect and connect. Each of these intersections would coagulate and form orbs of energy. Now with the seven orbs of power orbiting around him, they would each align themselves to a glyph. And in a wondrous formation, they would merge simultaneously, fulfilling them and causing resonance of his power and theirs. The doors would open and standing in three cases were his gear.

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Re: Royal Regrets

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His most prized possessions, not only are the second to none in terms of craftsmanship and ability. But he has been training relentlessly with these three pieces of his armory since the event fur years ago. Handed down to him from the three other mighty houses of Denkou. Dazuma would make a hand sign before uttering the following words.

" Though despair and darkness might seek to enfold me,I will tear through with Lucio in my heart and Umina in my hand...Blessed be Rai"

Not a moment after he finished speaking his invocation did a resonance of his Naten and two of the three sacred treasures did begin to churn. Dazuma would swipe his index and middle finger in a horizontal swipe with green magical energy trailing behind it. The seven locks on the first two cases would unhinge in a slight symphonic matter. He would stretch his right hand outward standing about 3ft from the bold emerald blade Umina, Sheathed in a retainer created from the hide of a lightning Hydra it was always humming with anticipation. Every time Dazuma gazed upon this marvel he was overwhelmed with a since of honor and pride. This blade which bore the brand of his bond with his kingdom.

This creation he wielded in the name of progression for his people, truly it is a blade to only be held by one who would be King. The subtle humming of magic steaming from the blade would ebb and flow Dazuma then willed the blade to levitate to his side instantly. Dazuma then turned to Lucio, a scarf hand stitched by his mother the Arch Weaver and Queen. Each fiber a different grade of valuable an rare minerals. Each a catalyst for magic and nature energy. His mother held the tightest place in his heart and whenever he had this scarf he never felt alone. Even when he almost lost it all. He sent a small current of magic energy through its threads, it would spring to life as if it held a soul of its own. It slide snugly under Dazuma's neck,like how his mother hugged him, it brought him a constant wave of strength and security.

"I tire of being shackled by this past..."

He inhaled turning towards the last and his personal favorite treasure. A par of pitch black gloves made with magical micro fibers that were so dear to him because they were gifted to him by the only son of the Urso family and his Personal guard Evant Black Urso Denkou. Knowing full well Dazuma's love of being handy and his gifts Evant personally oversaw the process of these gloves. He would slip them both on his hands. Sending a surge of magical force through his body the hundreds of runes stitched into the gloves began to radiate a wondrous green display of lightning. Dazuma closed his eyes as he about faced from the chamber. It would close behind him and he would make his way to the Door leading out of his room. With a now calmed heart he would take another deep breath.

"As tragic as things have been...I am still the Second born Prince of Ri'ore...:

He would open his eyes his eyes now possessing the strength to press forward. Today would be his first step into his future. He didn't know what it would hold but for now, it simply started with a usual day of sparring with Evant... a face he was secretly delighted to see.

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