A Buried Future Pt 1[END]

The frozen, snow covered lands south of the Hyperion Mountain Range. Nieves is a dangerous range with only th most hardy and rugged of Vescrutia’s population residing here.
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A Buried Future Pt 1[END]

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

To think he'd wind up in a place like this. So far from home. He knew his people had traveled Vescrutia in much of its magnitude, but to be so far from the place, they eventually settled. It spoke volumes of their dedication to their dream. To think of it, he himself had been to quite a few places as well, traveling the great distance to Uran and abroad, and yet, there was still so much beyond the horizon to see. The weight of his steps crushed the white snow beneath him, yet the ice, porcelain in its being, withstood the thud of his boots. The winds carried on them a musky smell that he did not think would exist in a place that time had seemed to have forgotten. The Frozen Waste. It was even more amazing than the book told. To think here of all places might rest something of Denkou linage. The first piece is his journey back to their homeland, where the Denkou-shi was born. The place where he would learn how the Emerald King truly came to be. For now, contending with the cold was his first trial. Though counted might’ve been a bit dramatic as it was already of little consequence for the Denkou not to feel the sting of intense colds or heat that might normally unravel other humans. Their body holds to the word resilient, as their perilous trekking has gifted them resistance, unlike others who exist in only one climate. Besides, he had something else brewing inside him that would not allow him to be troubled by this environment. The fervently swelling desire to remove Myos from the throne, His throne. As well as the seething fury of Azar, The Demon King.

"On this, I swear..."

He whispered, not even taking a moment to pause. In gloved hands, he held a scroll. Its details were that of a map custom-made by a cartographer referred to him by a Professor of The Conservatory who happened to be visiting Ulran. It was the reason he traveled here, after all. During his time in Uran, the soul of Azar awakened within him, using his rage and sadness as a catalyst to take control of his body. The fiend revealed the truth he sought. Sealing his light magic in the process. The Denkou were once villainous, pillaging plunderers who enslaved many, forcing the ones with unique talents to join them or die with their families. During that skirmish, Dalazar spoke with his father, who saved him from Azar’s demonic influence. His final words told Dalazar of a village not far from where he stands now that would lead him to ruin, one of the few remaining Denkou-shi footprints.

"I...will not fail."

So much had happened in the last few months he could scarcely believe it. It had been weeks since his journey to Uran and the ensuing events. It took him some time to accept it all… and digest the courage to walk forward on his path to redemption and ascension. Nonetheless, the eclectic king in the making was fully dressed for the journey. Despite his resistance against the cold, he took no chances.

Dalazar's Outfit

He donned a Dark green fur reminiscent of his should-be status as Emerald King. He figured it was safe to have a bit of pride in the middle of nowhere, far beyond the diligent eyes of his brother's watchdogs. His scarf was always on his person, and the heirloom of his mothers would never part from his being. It was nestled beneath the fur underneath a small metal plating that acted as armor. Under it, fur from a species of forest bear who made their home in the lucid south. They are known as the only species that readily make their way to frozen waste to mate during these frosty times of the year. Even with this, as he traveled during the day, he was sure to have Lucio steadily absorb sunlight to get him through the night. He left no "t" uncrossed and no "I" undotted. He was determined to see this through to the bitter end...or the glorious beginning.
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Re: A Buried Future

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

His hands were always strapped with Fulgear. Taking but a moment of pause, he unraveled the map. It was pretty expansive, which spoke to the talent of Ulrani cartographers. The Frozen waste was massive. The map didn't even cover half of the area in its totality, but the focus of his target was clear enough. It did, however, mark a few of the neighboring creatures, in particular the food sources and the predators that hunted them. What he was looking for now, though, was a mountain pass. It is said to be home to a fearsome breed of mountain sabers that are a few notches beneath the Apex of this place, which also meant they were pretty dangerous, and on rare occasions, they even hunted in packs. Dalazar hoped for Rai's sake that this would not be one of those occasions.


He said, taking a look around with a bit of a perplexed look

"Just...where the hell am I anyway?"

Attending to the map, he was looking for some sort of distinguishing landmark to let him know where he was in this wasteland. It was littered with debris that one might not even be able to tell from where it came. In the distance, he could see some species of hare and other smaller four-legged creatures roaming about, no doubt in search of food.

"Wait...don't they eat grass? Or..."

Or something of the sort. Looking towards the direction they were running from, he also imagined that a mountain pass might have some form of vegetation they may or may not eat. He checked his map there was a structure that resembled some form of a spire. He looked around and, after a few turns, found just the one. The hares seemed to be running east of that place, and the mountain pass was also marked due to that direction


He exclaimed. Passed that point, he would be exposed to the place that could very well hold the buried secrets of the ancient Denkou-shi mystics and the archaic blueprint of their founding practices—the origins of their metallurgical knowledge, the makings of Weaving. The scholar in him was absolutely beside himself with anticipation. He could not wait to get his grubby little kingly paws on the very building blocks of his civilization. The zeal he felt was like the embrace of an old friend. After what transpired and the false massacre he witnessed…he feared he had lost a piece of himself. But after a few weeks of rest and nerdy sessions with Veronica, he started to feel like his old self again.

He would begin to move forward again. Keeping his balance amidst the various slippery surfaces. It wasn't as dry of a cold as he thought. Which, in his opinion, was a little problematic. Wet, cold fur might not provide the effect he was looking for. The winds carried empty, hollowed chills that would end up freezing the fur. He pressed on. Moments would pass, and he'd be hit with a mighty gust of air that almost knocked him off balance. His eyes were blocked by the wild scarf caught in the winds, and he threw his arm up to shield his face further. When he finally gathered himself, he would look out into the horizon. His eyes widened in awe of what he was now witnessing.

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Re: A Buried Future

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

As the mountain pass came into full view over the horizon, Dalazar stood in absolute awe of its snowy magnificence. The fur of his wear ruffled with the passing of a few chilling gales. They whipped up little snow clouds that blanketed themselves on the litany of broken rock formations. There wasn't much life here; it mirrored the tundra. They must have some habitats around here that allowed them to avoid the harness of the cold. The trail seemed pretty straightforward forward, arching upward into a steep but steady path, littered with little formations that, from what he could tell, were like...stairs?

As his eyes observed the view before him, he felt a fleeting whisk of energy traversing the air. Though faint, there was an archaic force here. He could tell he was getting closer to his destination.

"This road has been traveled… it’s almost as if I could hear the feet trekking these lands so long ago…”

How long, though, had it been since anyone touched this place? It seemed unabated by outside influences...like no one had even seen it in ages. That spoke nothing of why it was used, to begin with. It could have been a road less traveled, and those who did walk upon its steps were doing so in the hopes of reaching something.

“So much has happened, so much changed…I’ve changed”

Since his awakening, Dalazar’s magic sense has evolved to uncanny heights. He was now able to perceive energy beyond just those of magical origins. His body and soul felt connected to the air, feeling the sway of the smallest energetic charge in the molecules around him. Experiencing the world like this helped him see just how connected it is. It was all a divine tapestry with interwoven experiences, thoughts, feelings, and ambitions.

“And yet…even now with power as vast as this…I still do not feel whole”

The consequence of falling prey to the Dark one’s magic. Azar was a being that once embodied the brilliance of the flame. He represented the duality of its nature well. The destructive power of fire and its life-giving ingenuity. For without it, most life could not exist, as the cold of its absence is nothing but cold blackness. When Ains robbed him of all that he was…all that was left was scornful darkness, hatred magic that burned like a scorning flame. Using such devious magic scared the young Light-bringer’s inner self sealing away his light Naten. This is the importance of this journey. To uncover the price of the map that will lead him to their homeland. The birthplace of the first Beryl Sun. And rid himself of Azar's foul curse once and for all.

“ Even without the light, I am far from powerless. Though I still need to grow accustomed to it, I have chosen to change. Soon, my family, soon.”

There was nowhere to go but up! Doing just that, he started his way. As he traveled, he began to see numerous clusters of what seemed to be pieces of sharp stone. One in particular stood out. He leaned towards it to notice there was a small stone tab that had been scribbled on. It was withered and difficult to interpret. He observed the characters and the accentuated ends.

"Who would have thought Uncle Boring lectures on calligraphy's importance to history would pay off."

His uncle was a very wise man. He had been one of the leads of the Ri'ore's diplomatic counsel for over 100 years. He understood over 138 different languages across Vescrutia and had taught Dalazar 83 of them. How to read, write, and speak each one to increase his academic prowess.

"I remember the one lecture he gave that was interesting"

Dalazar scoffed. He was being coy. These were side effects of the cold. He was actually fascinated with the concept of language and how it acts as a bridge between literal worlds.

"Language is much like the starry skies above us. Each star is its language, and the many ways we express it are much like the constellations above."

He would smile, taking his right hand and brushing the stone off the mini shrine-like structure.

"Communities are forged when the connectivity of communication blossoms like well-grown fruit."

He observed the writings; the more he looked, the more familiar they became. He placed his hand inquisitively on his chin. He began to dig deep into his mind. He traced the crudely crafted markings. They appeared Denkou but were too damaged for him to be sure.

"They seem so familiar. I wonder if I could just just."

At that moment, his naten would engulf his hands. As he touched the stone, he could feel the faint reverberations palpating, becoming stronger with each passing moment.

"Wh-whats this?"

A resonance? Between his Naten and the echos of energy here, no doubt. As his senses attuned themselves to the ebb and flows of this sacred site, he, the featured stone, also began to glow. As it did, the parts of the writing that had been eroded by time or hampered with intentionally, their original form became visible to him. As if he’d written it himself.

“An incantation? Yes, these runes are very similar to the ones…I believe I can recreate its text. I just need to…”

He gathered the beryl energy into his index finger, where he began retracing where the tones were and where they should be. It was almost like rewriting coding for a computer. His adoptive mind's gifted sight allowed him the diligence needed to do so effectively without flaw.
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Re: A Buried Future

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

It took him some time to trace the ancient runes left here by the Denkou-Shi. If he rushed, he risked permanently damaging the fragile stone and the delicate trickles of magic left behind, leaving him no outline to follow and his only lead.

“Easy Now Dalazar…even now the sound of my name is strange. They hide so much from me. But at least now I understand. Mother…”

He was a prince indulged by his father. His mother, though loving, was hard on Dalazar and did not allow him to fall behind his magically inclined family. If he could not usher forth the powerful fryers of magic, his family would be able to, and then she would make sure that his Naten control was cute beyond the rest. Untold of hours of learning, channeling, and practice. He resented her, not understanding that his mother understood the destiny he would inherit from everyone in his household.

“I was such a brat to her, and everything she did only served to protect me…to prepare me as the next of her sacred line…and here I’ve gone and lost the very t she entrusted me with”

His lapse in focus nearly caused him to chip the fragile stone, but his hand was held fast. Luckily, his hands were more than just that of a swordsman. They were the gentle but firm hands of a healer…yes it was starting to return to him. The reason he sought power, to begin with.

“I let Azar’s malice blind me to the reason I fled from my kingdom to begin with. It was never hatred…I…I wanted to save my family. To heal the sickness of our society from the root of it all. That was why…I wanted to save my brother.”

Underneath his polished swordsmanship or sharp wit, was a studious scholar in pursuit of the knowledge that would help him become the most competent healer he could be. Needless to say, knowledge was the foundation for everything he believed a king should be. He never thought he’d be saying this, but.

“Thank you mother….auntie. It’s because of your faith in me…that I come this far.”

Just as he finished speaking, he completed reforging the runic inscription, speaking its meaning out loud as he did so.

“Winds that twist thunder that booms. Like living lighting stampeding, destruction like that of a monsoon. Inheritors of the Sky, Bearers of Fulgora’s boon. We are the viciousness of the biting gales and the blackness of clouds. Scions of obscurity. Hail all the might of the Denkou-Shi!”

Dalazar felt a shift in the realm around him after speaking these words. The words blossomed to life as the stone crumbled into dust tossed into eternity by the now-growing winds. An imposing presence filled the air. To his surprise, the Emerald inheritor would find that the very words he spoke were the cause of this as the runes levitated before him, engraving themselves into the same space before him. Mere moments later, they began to print around him, resonating with the Kings-blood that flowed through him, forcing his birthright to manifest in copious amounts.


He could scarcely fight against the force drawing his power from him. Its sores into the skies above created a massive glyph in the sky, one he recognized as the serpent seal of the Ri’ore house.
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Re: A Buried Future

Post by Dalazar Denkou »


The land and air were saturated in his magic, his power titillating all around him, practically polarizing everything his magic touched. It stretched into the sky, creating clouds drenched with lightning magic resonating with the fourth above as if the sky was feeding from his essence. Small but strong spurts of rumbling could be heard. He could destroy this land and possibly himself along with it. It was foreign to him to be the center of such overwhelming force.

"Nazu...how do you make this seem so easy..."

Though Nazuma had drawbacks to accessing his magic, he also shouldered his weight as a prince with such a bright and vibrant demeanor. He radiated confidence, strength, and valor. He lamented all the time the loss of his twin's life. The pain of scars that ran deep added to the shame that sealed his light away. His other half always admired those traits of his lost twin Dalazar, traits that he hoped he could also cultivate. He often wondered if becoming a king was obtainable for someone like him. He had never had the power to contain his strength nor summon it as leisure. Myos had siphoned so much of his essence that he only spent time mastering the theory behind wielding such power. Despite his base pool of naten being a bit average, his level of control was never in question. Learning early on, he needed to maximize his limited power. This here, this was far more than he'd wielded at once. His body was brimming with power; here he stood, standing at the epicenter of his storm. The winds flayed about rapidly rending the snow from the earth, revealing the sprouts that were now about to bloom.

Power without checks and balances can only lead to madness, and the path of pain is often forged by the misguided but also the unheard. Dalazar, my son, understands this. To be a King is to be an impeccable listener

A thought that would echo in his mind constantly, he drifted back to the day he first heard those words. On the last day, he talked to his father. He stood tall over Dazuma, A giant of a man who brought so many colors to the term "King." What life his father instilled in him. The day his father taught him the truth about the power of magic and its origins. He must listen to the cries of his magic, the force behind it.

“Though this power came from those before me a line that might have once been forged from lies and darkness…”

He would steel himself. He would focus all his might and intention on containing the constantly growing build-up of might. He had to move; He would not be allowed to fail here! He'd grit his teeth, remembering the battle of souls ages in his inner plane. How bracingly defiant his father stood before Azar—the faith he held in his son. Dalazar would reach back to the pride he felt standing beside his father.

" For years, my people have been following the law rooted in lies and fear, used as a tool to control them to keep their eyes shielded from the truth. A legacy soaked in blood, a lineage of death. Unable to move forward from a past hidden from them. Yet, I now know the reality we were forced to forget. My time in Uran showed me how much we have been lacking: the feeling of love and companionship, the unity that can weather any storm. Those bonds have been tattered for so long."

A single glyph about 4 meters wide would manifest beneath him. His eyes would flicker in and out of a bright ocean-blue hue. The ground beneath him rumbled. The heavens bellowed a furious wale as the clouds cracked viscously. He stayed focused on the stone, trying his best to center this massive energy force.

"We shoulder the weight of a sin we may never be able to redeem ourselves from. A betrayal of nature itself scorned in the Azar’s vengeful flame. Some might even call his fury righteous, considering we were to blame for its spark."

The blazing magical energy around him began to focus more the second He looked at the once-dilapidated temple. It now stood almost at its former glory before abandonment, and time withered it away. This is what his power could do in earnest: repair the wounds of the past. In the pits of his soul, he felt a crackling sensation, almost like electricity circulating through his body. The storm above him raged as lightning streaked across the sky, and thunder boomed soon after.


Amidst the screeching cries of lightning and the furious howling winds, Dalazar would hear a single drop-like sound. For a split second, everything around him froze, and he was no longer standing in the middle of the frozen waste. He was now standing before a vast ocean. Its horizon seems to stretch into the farthest reaches of eternity. It dazzled as if it was a sea of the finest gems bathing in the bright, blistering beryl glow of the Sun. This was the second time he'd seen this place. He couldn't explain it. It brought an unearthly calm to his spirit. In the center of the Ocean, he saw a massive green figure. He could not decipher its makeup, but its presence felt so facial.

Behold and bare witness...

A heavy tone spoke out in the expanse, filling it with a powerful but contained low rumble, like cumulus clouds conjuring storms. At first, he thought it was his father, but no. As he listened deeper, he found that it belonged to no one he had heard before. This force, though similar to his father, was fathoms of time archaic…like coming face to face with the light of a supernova.

You have traversed here once more, here on the horizon of the Sovereign Place. You who would dare to invoke the mantle of King. Let now the Beryl Sun first among our kind, the living chain of which you claim to be the next link; here, let the rulers before you hear your convictions. You who hold the true soul of a King.

He felt those words vibrate through his bones. His heart swelled with pride. Of the many things, he wanted to scream out at the sun towards the visage of his father, whom he missed so much. He chose this response. With the powerful flux of both power and conviction, Dalazar inhaled a deep breath. The people of Uran lived together; they fought, cried, and laughed. To make a world where the Denkou could smile once more and build genuine bonds with both themselves and the world beyond.

"I have heard the cries of the Denkou of today; I have felt the sorrow of the Denkou lost in the past. How our ferocious nature was used against us to win a sin so great has scared the natural realm. Scarre my own heart in fact…

The magic vortex of purpose began to coagulate around him. The glyph from before began to expand, growing massive in size. His hair began to change colors, adopting a vibrant silver color. He had so many questions but felt that now was not the time. Before him was the progenitors' ghost of all his people steamed from declaring. He spoke his declaration aloud before the very realm that held all he was destined to become.

I am the Emerald sea. Spark behind the artist's eyes. Laugh; that lightens pain.

His eyes grew bright, brimming with conviction.

"I am the Union. My dream connects, not divides. Words that flare, Inspire. The courage to resist desire. I am summer rain. Cloudburst onto the barren The Bud, The Seed, The Hope I...!!!"

He hears his father's words when he comes to liberate him from Azar's petulant influence. The words that were the keepsake of each Emerald king before him, the words of the Found himself. Ains Ri’ore, The First Emerald King. And now they were his to call upon.

I am Dalazar Ain's Denkou 4th Emerald King; Second coming of the Beryl Sun!!

The heavens above echoed his mantra, and the rumbles became rhythmic as they ebbed and flowed. The once singular glyph now propagated into five constantly rotating magic circles.

His eyes flared blazingly as he stood fast to scream his magic into the sky!

” Hear now all that is the soul of the sky to the word of one born from your being; Lightning Soul magic: Bellow of the Viridian Deity!”

At that moment, the rotating glyphs would stop; they were aligned perfectly, allowing the magical energy to flow fluently without pause. Each layer from the center to the outer boundaries of the magical field grew, the power allowing him to focus this amazing force into a singular point. A gurgling ferocity would be released in the pits of Dalazar’s stomach. Bursting from his mouth would be an incredibly dense beam that moved with such speed and purpose it pierced the very skies, causing a giant hole in the cloudy fortress above. A mere second passed before that beam exploded into a thick burst of thundering might that hit with such power that it completely cleared the skies. Before Dalzar realized it, he was no longer in the Sovereign Plane but back at the Frozen Waste instead. The rain had stopped, and the dazzling face of Vescrtuia's sun was now sitting in this place. In this area upon the face of the temple, The skies smiled once again. Where it would now remain for as long as Dalazar still drew breath.

"We...Well, would a look at that..."

He said as his hair began to fade back into its original color. His eyes were back to their normal piercing green state. He stumbled a bit but did not yet lose his footing.

"Was I heard? Father, Founder….did you…hear…me”

An overwhelming sense of pride nestled in his heart quickly gave way to an incredible sensation of loss and void. Casting such high-level magic had depleted his reserves. His body went numb as he fell to his knees.

"Here lies the bodies of our tribesmen who gave their lives to our dream whose withered flesh created the path we still walk."

He made it

"Kay'Len Burial Ground of the Denkou-Shi"


That was his last thought before losing consciousness and falling onto a small flower bed beneath him.
Last edited by Dalazar Denkou on Tue May 21, 2024 9:10 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: A Buried Future

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

"Are you trying to get caught? Honestly, you're so darn reckless. Sire."

A voice regal in nature, deep in tone, and filled with a slew of other indications was whispered onto the now settling winds. Stern was the glare the ebony-clad figure held as he ran over the young lord.

“I remember someone who used to want to be a ninja.”

A stern smirk

“Alrighty then, let’s get out of this sun… it’s bad for your complexion, sire..”

The figure would lift the emerald king tossing him over his right shoulder with ease. They were about a stone's throw away from the temple's entrance.

“Still…such a bold proclamation.”

He knew that with such a fervent mustering of might, Myos, would not be far behind. Seeming to blink out of sight, they would be deep past the entrance. The dust would part as he stopped shyly before a sealed door. It was covered in runes far beyond what he knew. For now, they could go no further.

“Now that I’ve recovered him, I should check in with her…”

He set Dazuma up on the wall. Quickly, he removed his cloak, letting his dark, thick black locks cascade down his back. His garb was slightly ceremonious despite the need to be low-key. Royal habits tended to die hard. It was Evant Urso. Second seat and next in line of the Royal house of Urso. The chosen guardian of the Third Prince. He took note of the changes. Dazuma's hair had returned to its typical brown hue. His eyes back to their original beryl tone. He had claimed more of his birth rite from his brother—the treacherous false King.

“Honestly…what are we gonna do with you?”

He said as he took his left index and middle finger and placed them on his temple.

“Engaging grid: Urso link, Dai. “

His eyes flared light blue for a second

“Evant here, I have Dalazar. I found him passed out”
Last edited by Dalazar Denkou on Tue May 21, 2024 9:11 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: A Buried Future

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

Several hours had passed since the soon-to-be head of the House of Urso made contact with his charge. However, to be frank, Dalazar was no longer in charge. Having been now branded an enemy of the kingdom, a deserter no less, by Denkou law, he should be memory wiped and apprehended for within him flows the legacy of the oldest bloodlines. Usually, during the reign of his brother, death would have been the typical response to fleeing while under Kingdom Eye. Comparable to high treason. However...what Evant felt for Dalazar was something that loyalty could scarcely explain. He has been there...since Dalazar took his very first breath. He has seen him fight rigorously to train his heart, mind, body, and soul with no other goal but to be the best prince he could be. He wanted to represent his people's commonality and show that despite not being born with the right to rule, he still deserved his place. He wanted to bring smiles to his people again. What Evant felt towards his student, master..., and friend was an eternal sense of belief. For in his very core, Evant believed...

"You will be king..."

He said with a determined yet soft-spoken tone. The makeshift torch he created gave way to light that swayed periodically engulfing Dalazar’s sleeping face and again encasing it in shadow. Hunched over to the aid of his young lord, Evant felt his hand touch his. His gaze lingered longer than usual, a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. He supposed...he had never seen his shade of brown in this kind of lighting before. How clear his skin was...

"I will make sure of it."

The fierceness of his eyes, the brazen bright orange flare they carried when those of the Urso feel a strong sense of connection. Before the young grizzly lord knew it... he had Dalazar’s hand firmly gripped in his own. With a flustered look of confusion, he quickly released it, scurrying backward, placing distance between them. His eyes switched between his hand and Dalazar a few times before slapping both sides of his face with his hands.

"What the hell am I doing right now?"

He said as the flame flickered once more. The rises in heartbeats as he tries to shake himself of this unsettling feeling in his stomach, like a swarm of butterflies. It made him think about the very first day he laid eyes on the prince, a memory that was both comforting and unsettling.


???: Today is the day! Hurry baby bear, the ceremony is about to begin.

A woman clasped in a flowing light green garment laced with golden and silver ornaments hurriedly about the space. She spoke to a young man whose visage was that of a smaller Urso lord. Evant a the ripe age of 5 years old. His gold-dipped locs barely reached his neck yet his eyes piercing as though they were blades glared at the mirror. His attire consisted of the ceremonial garment of the Urso male, particularly those of the Main house of Urso. Solid black with a dyed bear fur hoisted around his neck. The pelt he carried was twice his size. Despite his young appearance, the young Urso lord had an uncanny knack for battle and magic. His ability was so great at such a young age he had been voted most likely to succeed the current head, his father. However...

"What do I care for the ceremony? It's just another Ri'ore baby...Lord Myos is already set to be the next King"

The woman stopped abruptly what she was hurrying to do and paused right in front of the young master. They held an article of clothing that bore the brand of the Four Houses upon it. She squatted down to meet the cub at his level her eyes held a piercing presence that outmatched even his.

Lilly: As one who might inherit the House of Urso you should be very well aware young master of what this all means. It is because of that very reason, that the future king has been chosen, have we need to celebrate a powerful moment in our history. Tell me little cub, do you know how many children the King is allowed to bear within his thousand-year rule?

Evant readily responded

Of course- They are only allowed one child per rule. The belief is that despite normal genetics the more children one has the more likely that one of those children will inherit specific traits. For the emerald King though it is much different. The king could sire 100 children and he might yet not possess the gene that sires an Emerald King. However, if the King has a child during a special solstice the likelihood is magnified by fathoms. This protects the lineage. If the current king does not produce an heir it is up to his successor to provide an heir and so forth till one who bares the Birthright is born."

Lilly: Very good, however, this particular birth is something of an immaculate miracle. Normally, if a king sires a child outside of the approved means the children are unfortunately not permitted to remain and thus are sent to the Denkai Kingdom instead. However...this is the first time in Denkou's history...that a pair of twins have ever been born.

Evant's bold eyes widened, Twins? He had never met actual identical people before. It is commonly known that most Urso favors each other greatly and thus use their fashion as a means of differentiating themselves. These were a pair of people who were practically the same. He now was excited.

Lilly: haha I see that has gotten you curious. Yes, these children are thought to be special. No one has been able to even physically touch them save for the Queen and King. It is being said that they are protected by some kind of divine blessing. Something that even the King himself never experienced despite being the strongest wielder of the birthright thus far. One born with an abnormal power...the other with no birthright at all...the weakest current of magic to ever be born from the direct bloodline.

Evant found himself thrilled

Lilly: Now let us go...

Just as she pinned his hair up and tied the band around his head they left the dressing room to head to the chamber of the ceremony.
Last edited by Dalazar Denkou on Tue May 21, 2024 9:14 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Dalazar Denkou
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Re: A Buried Future

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

As the entourage of Urso entered the Sacred Chamber where the princes lay sleeping, a thick silence washed over the room. Across from their line of vision would be the noble house of Flonne. To the Right, The Innovative House of Gammalow. Esmeralda, the Current head of the Flonne, stood next to Queen Onnohall, as she had just as assisted in the Queen's delivery of the twins. The only person aside from the Queen and King to be allowed to touch the babies. This distinction alone gave clarity that something otherworldly was at play here, purposely decerning who would be allowed even to approach the princes. On the Twin Thrones' respective sides would be the Arch Weaver and Shaper, who are also mother and father to the current crown bearers. To the King's side, poised with a position and stance due to his predestined stature, Myos, the Eldest of the now trio of brothers, stood with arms folded.

"I Find it now high time that we begin the Royal Siren. As your king and brother, I welcome you, noble pillars, and thank you for your urgent response."

A low yet gentle voice vibrated through the core of the room. A man no larger than 6'1 yet spoke with the grit of an immovable fortress caused a rumble in the room. His Majesty's voice was always terribly deep as if his voice was that of thunder itself. Usually, the weavers and shapers head these meetings. However, such an occasion called for the direct speech of his Lordship to be heard firsthand. Almost as if his voice concreated the depth of this movement in Denkou's history. It was the marking of a milestone for the kingdom.

"I Meet you all under the Hand of Fulgora’s embrace"

This soon followed with a slight bow and every single soul in attendance readily followed suit before breaking the customary response.

" Under the loving eye of the Cosmic Unifier, we return this embrace."

As it was spoken, Evant would rise slightly faster than the rest and find himself emboldened by the number of people here today. It was rare to see all four noble houses gathered in their entirety. What was galvanizing about this for Evant was that they all served loyally under the Emerald King's rule... under the guidance of Dracovis himself. It was at this moment that Evant truly began to understand. What it would mean to be the Head of his household. His gaze would soon meet his father, who was already looking at him. A faint smile would be found as he already knew the flame being stoked in his son's heart. It was much the same way his flame was lit when he saw the transference of power from the former King to the present day. Dracovis was the first king in almost two centuries to possess the Emerald Soul.

"I would now like to speak upon this most conspicuous occasion. As you all were informed...my better half has brought life to a pair of twin boys. The weavers have divined that one possesses a birthright...but one that has been thought to be lost deep within the crevices of history ...while the other one bears the faintest traces of Denkou magic."

The entirety of the room remained silent. Faces scowled at the uncertainty of it all. One born with a separate birthright? In the eldest of Denkou tomes, there spoke of the origins of the Denkai, an entity known as the ruby queen. However, she was considered an anomaly, for even eons after her death, no heir with her power was ever seen again. At least...till today. The Denkai is known for chasing after the lost remnants of a time that is no longer relevant for the main kingdom. To the Denkou, there has always only existed the undisrupted power of the Emerald King, yet none in attendance could deny the thick crimson hue of the aura surrounding the red-haired child. What was even more baffling to behold was a direct descendant of the king being born with minor magic. The other Ri'ore would surely see this as an embarrassment to their house and even more so to the integrity of the Denkou name. The Queen, barely lucid, sensitive to the emotions of her people, rose slightly despite the warnings from her helpers.

"Here me now, brethren, family. I know this kind of change causes you all to worry *Cough*... but I beseech you, not as your queen...but as Kin. I know you aspire to love my children as I have loved yours. Denkou is not measured by the amount of magic they can muster but by the valor of their hearts. The Lucio of their spirits..."

She mildly collapsed back into a resting position. Though her voice was frail and faint, there wasn't a single Denkou who did not take her words to heart. Even those still abstinent from the change at least keep their emotions and feelings more contained, fearing they might impact their Queen further. Dracovis looked at his wife, smiling at her grace and strength. However, the first-born inheritor of the throne, Myos, did not take his mother's words nor share the rest of their philosophy. As far as he was concerned, a creature with no bite was useless. What he felt in his body was conflict, confusion, and disarray. Siblings? The thought was overwhelming. Part of him felt glad to have children he could play with around his age. The other felt them as threats for reasons he was conflicted about sharing. Despite this, he could no longer remain silent by his father's side.

What use do we for a Ri'ore who cannot live up to the name? Would our enemies, the myriad of foes lining at the base of our homeland, share these ...heartwarming sentiments?
Last edited by Dalazar Denkou on Tue May 21, 2024 9:17 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: A Buried Future

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

"I'm Afraid I must embellish the FIRST Prince's words."

The sly voice came from the House of Flonne. It was Meridian, a powerful shaper and second seat of the Research and Health department. He was incredibly known in the kingdom and through Maidera for his brilliant work regarding the correlation of Naten and Vescrutian neurology. He was also known to have a relatively superior demeanor. Most of the Flonne did, but he was beyond rancid...borderline xenophobic. At least they never refused to heal anyone despite magical affluence or a lack thereof. He believed that the Denkou should have minimal connectivity with the outside world and that the kingdom's integrity is based on the magnitude of its magical prowess. A prince with barely any magical talent was completely out of the question for him when a borderline Emerald royalty already resided in their midst. It was unheard of for the King to bear another heir let alone two additional children...twins? Preposterous. He would not stand for this mockery of the order that the first king set in stone.

"We have withstood the test of time due to one thing and one thing only."

He was decorated in decorum that spoke volumes of his political standing. Hair patterned with speckles of crimson red. Ornaments laced his wrist, which was cut with unpurified stones. It was Flonne's ideology not to alter the natural way of things. This was part of their fashion, choosing the most natural path possible.

"The esoteric glory that is the Rai-Father might...YOUR might, my King..."

He said, making sure to bow slightly as he addressed King Dracovis.

"A might that would be soon inherited by your firstborn son...so truly, and my queen, with all encouraging respect for the phenomenal birth you have wrought...."

His eyes narrowed

"So, truly...what are we doing here? It is obvious that this summons determines the fate of these...entities."

Onohall's eyes became dagger-like for but a moment. Dracovis would place his hand gingerly on his wife's shoulder calming her festering storm. The Emerald King looked out in the room of his charges. He knew there were common threads of thought in the realm that shared these sentiments. After all, he had sown many of these seeds early in his rule after the tension between Denkou and the neighboring realms began to rise. The constantly looming threat beneath the sea of the Atlanteans and the titans that roamed the Jaida coast and its highlands. However, he...lamented the current state of power-crazed dynamics that have grown from his brazen displays of might. So enamored with making them untouchable, he ordered these hearts with entitlement. It has caused his realm to value might and magic over love and community. It was apparent...they were drifting apart... How was he to mend this?

By addressing it here and now.

Prince Na'lumerie Jhunei Ri'ore Denkou is the one with crimson hair. One of Beryl's hair is Dalazar Ains Ri'ore Denkou.

He stepped down the gilden path leading to the center of the room where the Flonne stood—dwarfing the man several times over.

Meridan would tug at his collar before kneeling

"Of course, we are here to discuss the prince's fate. Correct?"

Evant observed how quickly one took a knee when approached by the King. Meridan held abstinence toward the twin's birth, but the King ensured that regardless of the collective choice made here today, respect for their rights as nobles was observed and revered. The young Urso cub tugged at his faster hand... he had a question to ask him.

"Papa, why are the Flonne so upset? What does he mean by deciding their fate? Aren't we just going to send them to the Astral?"

His father did not address his concerns right away. He was unsure whether this was the proper time to teach his son the harshness of Denkou nobility's politics. He had only seen it in practice once, and it was harrowing enough for even him never to wish to witness it again. However, for his son to one day shepherd his fellow Urso, this truth needed to be revealed. He eventually relented; this was the perfect time to teach him.

"We Urso have stood by the side of the main house since its inauguration. We are their sworn guard and closest friends. The bloodline of the Emerald King is rare and saturated with magical energy that trumps all of the other houses by eons. However, we cannot know whether the gene containing the power can be passed to multiple children at once. Could you imagine the chaos? For a litany of beings to possess the same level of magic as the sovereign? To make sure that it is never even a possibility, each King is only able to sire one a child per reign during the solstice of Sigil...any other is...."

His eyes closed before looking deeply into his child's eyes...
Last edited by Dalazar Denkou on Tue May 21, 2024 9:19 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Dalazar Denkou
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Re: A Buried Future

Post by Dalazar Denkou »

Glorious gilden orbs, he could scarcely deny his child the truth when he gazed deeply into the innocence they claimed. Knowing full well that innocence must bear witness to that cold-hearted truth.

That all that glitters is not gold...

"My Golden cub, my youngest pup...in our world are billions of lifeforms. They all carry something that makes them special, something...that makes them unique. A soul is often determined by what is most important to them."

His gaze left his son's and drifted over to King Dracovis himself.

"But out of the billions of lifeforms out there. That man is standing before you. Your chieftain and ruler. He stands adjacent to those billion...in a league of his own. That power is held deep within his heart, a legacy carried by his blood. So special that we dare not dream of what would happen should two ever be born in the same lifetime..."

Evant's line of sight was also on the king. Widened by the sheer admiration with which his father spoke of the Emerald Ruler. Evant could feel his pride bustling and growing, like a storm in his heart. He looked back at his father to find a look on his face that he never wanted to witness again. Pain, regret, terror, anger...were some of the emotions his father's expression gave to him.

"Because of this... many measures are taken to prevent unsanctioned pregnancies, but nothing is 100 percent. Should the King sire another child during their reign...that child..."

At that moment, as the firstborn prince was about to finish his sentence, Mios stood near his mother.

"They must be executed!"

His voice was light, but the self-imposed authority it carried shook the staleness of the atmosphere. It rattled the senses of the more passive members of the court who, despite their honor to tradition, dared not to witness the end of two barely born babes. Mios did not share their sympathy. Despite the part of him that might have liked to know what it would be like to have siblings, it was the Denkou way for the firstborn to remain as such. As far as he was concerned, even allowing them to live was null and void. Their coming would spell the end for Denkou's culture abroad. The one bearing red hair, Na'Lumerie, carried exceptional magical power that felt almost akin to that of the Emerald Soul he was said to inherit soon. That made him exceptionally dangerous as well.

" My Son..."

He stared at his mother so deeply in the eyes. Deep enough for her to glimpse the bustling storm in his heart. He was set, his mind finite on the matter.

"Is this the common thread of thought amongst you all? Heh, of course it is. It has always been our way."

Dracovis spoke, and Evant watched last the stern faces of the Royal counsel. Esmeralda, the head of the Flonne family, did not speak, though her presence was more than known. She stood beside the twins and the queen, delivering the duo herself.

"Papa...they can't...they wouldn't."

He could not comprehend why something like this was amongst a flock of people who professed the mission to save Denkou's blood.

"Denkou cannot slay Denkou...that is our most sacred law, right Papa?!"

Little Evant cried out, his tears of empathy echoing through the silent hall as most of the Royals in attendance raised their hands to confer that they all felt that execution was the best route. Many also had an aligned thought: why was the Emerald King, whose namesake and legacy the twins posed the greatest threat against, so calm about this entire thing? It was not like the Emerald Ruler was actively trying to dissuade them, merely keeping the peace rather than carrying opinions and grievances. The Queen seemed exhausted, almost begging for peace among them...what did they know that the others did not? Tears in his eyes, the Urso heir observed the Rio're headed further. His father made eye contact with his Charge, His King. Dracovis gazed back at him, his eyes showing an unyielding resolve...absolute conviction. And then...

He smirked

It was a small gesture that completely shattered Evant's father's apprehension. He smirked before stepping forward with his hand raised, relaying the same sentiments to his son.

"I, Oberon Corneilious Urso Denkou, Head of the House of Grizzly, now give my sole vote in favor of Royal execution...The twins cannot be allowed to live."

Evant's eyes bucked; he could not believe his father had agreed to this...at first. Then he thought back to what he observed from both the King and Queen. Esmeralda was usually much more talkative than she had been this entire meeting. They all must have known something the rest of the council did not. They expected the pushback...but they seemed unbothered by the decree. Although...that look in his eyes made Evant feel like there was nothing to fear. That is why those who did not think so highly of the stone-aged traditions needn't worry... the change was about to come. In truth, it had already arrived.
Last edited by Dalazar Denkou on Tue May 21, 2024 9:21 am, edited 5 times in total.

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