Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

The Maaluukian Woods teem with many life forms. The name was given to the woods by the native Elvs, Vescrutian moths. Maaluuki have heightened senses and extrasensory abilities, they prevent travelers from finding their homes with Psionic abilities.
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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Inariel Myotis »

With the hostility crushed they were more prone to listen. Not like they had any choice in the matter. None of them not even in unison had the strength to move against him. They dropped the remainder of their weapons as the confusion spread and whispers began to fill the air. Lucky to have their lives? The woman looked to him, so this was his plan. Force them into submission by rumbling their notions of offense. Clever, it further deepened her respect for him. She stepped forward she would now speak on his behalf.

"What he says is true, three-night ago we were sent into the forest after receiving news that a large motion was going on. We thought it be the wild boars running amuck again so we went to also cull their numbers should that prove the case...but was not. We instead encountered a beast that was clearly no native of this forest. One that..."

Just reliving the sound of the blood-curdling howls that creature bellowed that night was enough to send her int a regressive state of shock. But Bora would place his hand on her shoulder. His gaze echoing the same courage it did that night. Whimpers of discontent son reverberated through the crows. That was the best explanation? Some strange creature was the cause?!

I know this sounds like a bunch of bull but I can assure you she speaks the truth. This beast stood just as tall as I, but it was no mere beast. It was once a man, something about that crimson moon triggered him. His power was terrible, in truth I don't even know how I bested such a monstrosity. But I am here and it is not, your lives still belonging to you is proof of my victory. I felt that creatures blood lust, we all did that night. Me this woman and three others from your ilk!

"Are we really to believe this?"

"Well Mara is a trusty worthy woman yet she does not trust easily. If she would defend him there must bare some form of truth"

"Shit I say the varmint stole the tree fruit for emself to tun a profit and the whole lot of them are in cahoots!"

Mara so that was her name. She clenched her fist and took another step forward.

Mara: FOOLS! Did none of you spot the Crimson moon? In all our years in this village not ONCE has such a thing occurred. For several weeks now all types of odd crap have been going on. Did any of you think it strange how the number of boars increased so much in so little time? I saw wildlife flocking to the center of the forest where the great cedar was like no other. That beast was drawn by the moon. A man, elf looking thing took that shit and caused all that destruction. Where are you men who were also there? Elo, Derge, Cain!

From behind the crowd raspy voice cried out

Cain: Th-they arent lyin!

Everyone turned shocked, Cain was soft-spoken, rarely did he involved himself personally in any of the town's affairs short of defending them with his blade when the need arises. But he had a soft spot for Mara and wouldn't let this town peg her to be a liar. Something he knew for a fact she was especially since he saw it for himself.

Cain: I saw it too. Some weird red-headed elf man transformed into that creature. I saw it tear down the great cedar like it was a hollow paper weight.

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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Nagase »

Her body was covered head to toe, only the white of her eyes, peering from beneath her hood, could be seen. She’d followed the growing mob since sunrise, they had been perched outside the tent, bickering about what to do.

None of them had the courage to strike Bora down themselves, though they teased at the idea, frequently.

Her appearance was offsetting, it was clear she wasn’t from this town based of the material of her armor. It appeared pleated, very lightweight and black, a dark, almost suffocating blackness.

From time to time the city dwellers would venture into curiosity of who the person behind the mask was, but their wandering eyes were always met with a sharp, cold gaze of her own smothering the embers of their curiosity.
With the hostility crushed they were more prone to listen. Not like they had any choice in the matter. None of them not even in unison had the strength to move against him. They dropped the remainder of their weapons as the confusion spread and whispers began to fill the air. Lucky to have their lives? The woman looked to him, so this was his plan. Force them into submission by rumbling their notions of offense. Clever, it further deepened her respect for him. She stepped forward she would now speak on his behalf.

"What he says is true, three-night ago we were sent into the forest after receiving news that a large motion was going on. We thought it be the wild boars running amuck again so we went to also cull their numbers should that prove the case...but was not. We instead encountered a beast that was clearly no native of this forest. One that..."

Just reliving the sound of the blood-curdling howls that creature bellowed that night was enough to send her int a regressive state of shock. But Bora would place his hand on her shoulder. His gaze echoing the same courage it did that night. Whimpers of discontent son reverberated through the crows. That was the best explanation? Some strange creature was the cause?!

I know this sounds like a bunch of bull but I can assure you she speaks the truth. This beast stood just as tall as I, but it was no mere beast. It was once a man, something about that crimson moon triggered him. His power was terrible, in truth I don't even know how I bested such a monstrosity. But I am here and it is not, your lives still belonging to you is proof of my victory. I felt that creatures blood lust, we all did that night. Me this woman and three others from your ilk!

"Are we really to believe this?"

"Well Mara is a trusty worthy woman yet she does not trust easily. If she would defend him there must bare some form of truth"

"Shit I say the varmint stole the tree fruit for emself to tun a profit and the whole lot of them are in cahoots!"

Mara so that was her name. She clenched her fist and took another step forward.

Mara: FOOLS! Did none of you spot the Crimson moon? In all our years in this village not ONCE has such a thing occurred. For several weeks now all types of odd crap have been going on. Did any of you think it strange how the number of boars increased so much in so little time? I saw wildlife flocking to the center of the forest where the great cedar was like no other. That beast was drawn by the moon. A man, elf looking thing took that shit and caused all that destruction. Where are you men who were also there? Elo, Derge, Cain!

From behind the crowd raspy voice cried out

Cain: Th-they arent lyin!

Everyone turned shocked, Cain was soft-spoken, rarely did he involved himself personally in any of the town's affairs short of defending them with his blade when the need arises. But he had a soft spot for Mara and wouldn't let this town peg her to be a liar. Something he knew for a fact she was especially since he saw it for himself.

Cain: I saw it too. Some weird red-headed elf man transformed into that creature. I saw it tear down the great cedar like it was a hollow paper weight.
She made her way through the crowd, most of the people were taller than her;but, her size didn’t speak for her presence. Man or woman, regardless of stature, were easily moved as she shoved her way to the front of the crowd.

“How was the creature stoped.’’

Her voice was soft much like her size would suggest;but, was muffled by the mask over her mouth. So she repeated.

“How was the creature stopped.’

Her voice raised with every word, until she was ultimately shouting. The sudden change in dynamic startled the crowd, in which all attention fell to the short, battle-armored youngling.

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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Inariel Myotis »

Curiosity begets aggravation. He knew this to be typical of mortal men and so when the tiny one spoke he was not rattled. He already admitted he had no recollection as to whether he even killed the beast. He hadn't turned even to meet her way until her shouting began to activate the crowd again. He took another deep breath, people began to quiver but he simply sighed. turned to face the girl but the moment his eyes locked with her he froze. It wasn't the mask that caught him off guard. Her eyes...what was it about those eyes? A urge. He could not hide the astonishment on his face, to the crowd this shock was a break in his focus and mayhaps in his truth. Cain's testimony wasn't enough, most of the folk here knew he'd do anything to be on Mara's good side. As the short one began to add fuel to the fire Derge was also making his way through the crowd from the opposite of the masked one. He arrived just as they finished spouting off. He was an older man the town blacksmith to be exact. Well respected for his good judgment and incredible prowess around a smithy. He was this town second strand of income that often carried them through winter months were crop harvest was very low, through the good quality weapons he fashioned. There weren't many ore deposits around so most of his homemade works were of the various type of wood and other material from the wildlife. However, this didn't circumvent the need for metal works in and around the village. Folks from neighboring towns and adventures would travel to have him custom create for them. Though a foreigner himself he worked incredibly hard for the best interest of Lundao, his word tended to hold weight. He was there, he witnessed it all up until the point of them fleeing leaving Bora to fend off that beast himself. It was a shameful moment for the proud Smith.

Derge: What we saw that night...

His deep voice ruptured Bora's transfixed gaze on the masked and armored being. Her and that insidious gaze. His focus turned to Derge he remembered having him sharpen his sword that night in preparation for him leaving town after the job was done. But he...honestly couldn't remember even using his sword against that creature. Everything after standing before that thing he remembered. ut everything after...was just gone. The figures words still fumbling through the cabinets of his mind, trying to find a connection, an answer to the riddle everyone here wanted to know. This...this was becoming too much. Mara noticed the kin befuddlement. It sent her into wonderment. He was just so strong, unwavering and unflinching. What was causing this lapse? Derge entered the fray and she joined his side. They were close as she often looked to him for advice in times of confusion so it was almost instinctual to abandon Bora. He rested his hand on her shoulder, his gaze similar to Bra perhaps that why she trusted the orc to begin with.

Derge: Who we saw that night was something that in all my travels have yet to come across. But I can tell you this. This here Kin saved all our assess...he served as a distraction and fended that thing off so we can get away. I on the other hand nearly shit myself.

Mara grabbed hold of his hand. It was unlike Derge to speak with such fragility, but his sentiments were shared by her Bora and Cain. People began t again quell their anger but the more they heard of how terrifyingly frightening it was how did the Orc escape with his life? But then...

Elo: You guys weren't there! You didn't hear its scream. was filled with so much rage. That man...that nightmare wanted to eat wanted us dead...

A moderate plate armored young man of chestnut skin also made his way t the front of the spectacle. Initially, he was the first to volunteer to g help with the boar problem. He also was the first one to take off running when the beast roared. Luckily Bora had already given them the chance to escape when he did. If Bora hadn't done whatever he did they'd all be fodder for that monster. Instead of beating him up about how they should just be glad ruin didn't visit them that night. Bora turned back to the pseudo lord he was pissed but even more so just as perplexed as his people.

There you have it humes from your own flesh. The beast exists, my memory lapse must've been a side effect of whatever encounter took place, I can't imagine that thing let me live but I'm not sure if I killed him. But at this point, it is what it is. I've have given you an answer and I plan to leave town at once, Keep your coin, you'll need it more than I.

He scoffed turning his back to the crowd. His eyes shyly slide over the hiring of his shoulder back at the masked being once more they narrowed. Something was off about her, something that echoed familiarity. He brushed it off, he was ready to leave this godforsaken place. He needed to gather his things and headed back to camp. He was done with the inquisition. Mara did not follow but stayed but Derges side. He did not mind, he hadn't planned on offering any goodbyes.

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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Nagase »

She hid her cards well and kept a watchful eye on Bora. The crowd would never be satisfied with an answer, this moment of suspense and speculation probably aroused them.

Her body twitched, easily unnoticed by the rising ego of the mob. They were ‘calm,’ more scared than bold, Save for the not so alpha scouring at Bora’s rear.

His thoughts were loud, soaked in jealousy and bitterness;but, what...about Bora’s. She didn’t get a good look at the creature, or the champion that night. Her senses were rich and viral that night aswell.

‘It happens less frequently than I’d like, but every few hundreds years or so, the lunar alignment is just right. The moons, rich in naten, run as red as fresh spilled Blood.

It was regarded as an omen and still is, depending on what side of the globe you’re own...during the Scarlet moon.’

Her voice may have gone unnoticed for a while, but as the passion in her words stirred their memory and curiosity quickly dissolved into fear, they began to listen.

She had, plenty of distance from Bora. If that was even his name. She hadnt met either of them, the creature or the hero;but, her senses screamed one thing- imposter.

She could feel her heartbeat rising as the crowds shared anxiety peaked in their hearts. She could feel them, quivering with unresolved animosity.

She wanted nothing more than the blow his cover and watch her suspicions be confirmed, that Bora wasn’t a hero. She sensed the same power, that same wealth of knowledge within Bora,that she felt from the creature in the woods.

‘Did you see the moon...Boras?’

She asked.

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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Inariel Myotis »


The question was quick and less inquisitive as it was said out of surprise. The night, flushed with red...there was blood. So much of it. He stared down at his hands. Her questions, they brought a wave of forbearance that he could not shrug off. Her eyes, they yearned with flair reminiscent of that same sky. It was like she was it's incarnate. Mocking him, chipping away at his pride as a warrior, the fragments of it that were life. Why was she prodding? Why tantalize his uncertainties with more investigate jargon. She was prying, no, unfolding something within him. His confidence was being peeled away. The kin just wanted to forget about it all at this point. These feelings of internal ambiguity tearing at the seams of his sanity. He needed to I will NOT run! I cannot...I refuse... it was like mental reflex. He would not cower before ANY foe or those wearing the guise of one. He knows he faced that beast. He did not run nor hide! He knows he survived! He is here and his prey is not! He gathered himself, trying to cease the rattling of his mental. He turned to them the crowd once more but again his eyes locked with the masked ones. Like a scintillating cesspit of yearning they burned. Raging, encapsulated behind the beings' retinas. Their words echoed in the cavities of his consciousness, ringing like bells of change, chimes of skepticism. This feelings of disarray were befuddling it was sending is senses through the motions he could not solidify. His mental form being liquified he...was... afraid?

But the warrior had faced such feelings before every time he entered a battle. He knew fear was nothing more than anticipation for the unknown to no longer be so. It was a conclusion to the all-powerful proverb of kill or be killed. This he knew to be a universal law. So what then was so dysphoric about the feeling he was experiencing now. Why was it so far-reaching? So heavily engraved, it did not feel like the scar on his chest from when his father...Killed him? Tried too, almost succeeded. But he lived! That end...that fear he made peace with. He was simply denied a warriors death. But cardinal aversion he faced was flagrantly unending.
‘Did you see the moon...Boras?’
He stammered back, his eyes widened he speech studdered as he whispered.

"The moons?"

His line of site fixated on hers. Flashbacks like when he first came to began to storm his consciousness once more flooding him with even more questioned, swelling inside him bubbles of inquisition ready to burst. He grabbed his face as one particular memory resurfaced his breath became more ragged.
He smiled upon this magnificent threat. This enchanting beast of mystery. This honorable kill. An offering to appease He Who Watches, so that Bora can live comfortably without needing to feel the call to hunt. If even for one more day.

The Half-Orc sacrificed his sword, turning his body towards the beast's upward swipe so that it's devastatingly powerful arm would meet Bora's intense will to survive and lust for battle. If the beast could see or had the time to see, Bora was grinning like a madman.

The collision knocked Bora's blade from his hands, sending it away with enough force to lodge it deeply into the trunk of the nearby tree Bora had taken cover behind recently. His naten radiated strongly from it, like a beacon or a flare, while Bora himself slipped behind the beast with the agility of a grappler or wrestler
"I-I forsook my blade, I wanted to respect the beast as a hunter and fight it with but the strength of my mantle against his! It was a battle of wills, a clashing of pride...but a war of survival.

Another palpitation, another pounding against his psyche. The fixated on his words, apparently, someone was asking the right question. They knew the most of them have heard the night terrors stories about the Scalet night The Advent of the Carnivorous moons. Folktales on how during this time vampires and demons prance about devouring folks. Or how they came to whisk naughty children to their dens to become their lunch. But they were mere superstition, at least that was what most of them though. But the masked one, she also spoke with admiration of this night. Confirmation? Truth? What did she know? The kin continued deciphering the visions of the past.

"One that for but a moment I could see, myself becoming the victory. The clash between us had rewarded me the chance to slip behind the beast and...I-I flexed the heavy bastard into the ground... but then"

The studdering became rapid.

but th-bu-bbb


His hands began shaking as his body started convulsing. A Seizure? He fell backward luckily Derge was already on the move to his side. He shouldered most of the Kins weight and laid him on the ground.

Derge: Get us a Medic!Now!

The townsfolk did not do so hastily many were skeptical. Most were stunned from shock. Manner just saw him as an egg that finally cracked. Was he really stoping this low to avoid accountability? However, it was Derge asking for assistance. The apothecaries of the village three of them in total, two women on a man came to His side. One at Bora's feet the other two on his left and right sides. They began to hum a couple of phrases as their naten began to manifest in an envy colored green cocoon of light. The transparent healing wave was rained down upon the kin. Several moments went by but he showed no signs of stabilizing. This was beyond the scope of what they normally dealt with. The woman standing at his feet spoke.

Healer: This is nothing wrong with him...Physically at least.

The other woman echoed

Healer 2: His mind is in turmoil. He fights, he fights a battle we cannot see. Our vision is limited only to the flashes of fragments he's grasping for...but they are sporadically complicated. We can do nothing for him...

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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Nagase »

The citizens fell to panic, some actively trying to assist, regardless of their futility. While others chose to flee, rushing to the nearest shelter they could find.

She hid a smile behind her mask, her eyes squinting into a pleasured gleam. Children, often the bravest, began to approach Bora’s. Their recklessness snapping her back into the gravity of the situation.

“ space...I still don’t know if you’re all in danger yet.”

She said nonchalantly. Entranced, she walked towards bora’s and stood amongst the healing rays of the villagers.

‘No. No. No. Its flesh is fine. Their lies are tearing him apart. Certainty is fragile here on Vescrutia, what you know to be true is often waiting to be challenged. Paradox and chaos, now...those are the truths you can rely on.

The monster you fled from...when you ran...didn’t you abandon your champion to his death? Is any of this surprising?’

She said coldly. Her eyes passing by the villagers as she approached the convulsing man and his coddling partner. Carefully, she creeped, easing her distance on the pair.

‘I saw the moon...Bora. I was called by it and what a phenomenon to behold in person. That primordial and insatiable thirst. I know it well...but, are you one with it? Or consumed by it?’

She asked calmly. Her voice still just as soft as before. Her strength was found and forged in moments like these, the possibility of certain death, only promised a fulfilled moment.

‘Tell them, what happened to you Bora. How you saved their lives.’

The crowd could feel her seething hatred and malice coating her every word. She had it out for them, something about their arrogance or maybe their cowardice, even perhaps the ripples of last nights moon- but, she wanted deeply to see their fears , realized.
Last edited by Nagase on Thu May 23, 2019 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Inariel Myotis »

The badgering continued. Her voice reverberating through his mind. The only clear distinction from the mass hysteria roaring within.
‘I saw the moon...Bora’s. I was called by it and what a phenomenal to behold in person. That primordial and insatiable thirst. I know it well...but, are you one with it? Or consumed by it?’
The longing was the overflowing enticement to feed. He remembered what it felt like, being bewitched by the moon. And again what it felt like to be consumed by its influence. It demanded submission and because he had been starving for weeks that is what he gave. However unwilling it may have been.
Like a lightning rod for the sanguine luminous drenching the forest, all light drew itself on Allen.

"Cease this war of will... YOU WILL HEED THE CALL"!
His body began to alight with the hue of scarlet reflective of the Scarlet night. That very same energy began to palpitate once more. His body heat rose as his panic demanded he is held down by the male healer and Derge. His perspective of the day shifted, almost instantly. In his mind reality seemed to crack and fade around him, a void of nothing and then a light that would see him now in the form of the beast...with his hands deep within the Orc Kins chest. The rush of satisfaction that such a mighty kill was his to consume.
‘Tell them, what happened to you, Bora. How you saved their lives.’
The man rose quickly gasping for air again. Bora? The Orc? His memories beginning to settle but the haze was still thick, he was perplexed unsure of who he was responding as.

"I-I died..."

He said in a soft-spoken tone, one that did not carry an inkling of the pride of tenacity of the Orc he had upheld himself to be. It was timid, fragile, malleable. His hand touched his chest...the scar...the scar of where his father struck him down was gone? His...father? No...Bora...Allen was alone in this world. Had been since he arrived. What...happened to him?

"He...he died A monster...killed him"

With that consecration of words, his ambiguity began to evaporate his form began to alter once more. The emerald green tint of his skin withered away revealing amber like flesh. The tribal marking fled as well leaving on his body nothing but the small rosebud like orifices he used to control release his blood. His hair still retained its burning crimson hue nustled into semi-thick coils the rand down his backside like a. He was himself again, and with that came back his side. His pointy chestnut ear stuck out like a sore thing. The few villagers that did not flee in terror most certainly did after witnessing the Orc became an Elf? No one here had ever laid eyes one before. They were even more confused than when this whole debacle was started. Mara face twisted up in horror as did the face of Derge who distanced himself, Elo and Cain. They all began to go into varying stages of panic. Allen stared at them all, their life forces finite, Humans? He had always made sure to steer clear of them. Taking respite in the deepest reaches of the forest. They disturbed him short-lived specs of nature with such vibrant flares of life. How was it that he now found himself in a village of them all? The healers and children had scattered away from him.

Mara: T-that's him!

Derge: That the man from the forest he is the one that became the beast!

Cain: The beast! The beast is here we must flee he's gonna eat us all!

They had been defending and consorting with this demon the entire time?! Their cries jumbled his senses. So noisy these creatures. A beast? Him no, he had not taken a single life since he arrived, why would he have? The orc..Bora...who..who was Bora? He looked to the sanguine gleam of the girl behind the mask, he was bewildered. Her sway of life, it was strong, fearsome. By the twist and turns of her natens vibration, she was more of a threat to any of them than he, such an intense plume of chaos. Why was she here? Had she captured him? Was she the reason he was here amongst all these boisterous beings. He wished to leave, leave before something else happened. He jumped up the Orcs blade attached to his back still. He was about to make a run for it, the question was would she stand in his way, or let him leave this mess behind to go gather his thoughts. Because the only thing that he kept thinking was...

I killed someone...

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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Nagase »

Their screams drove her into hysteria. She bellowed in glee and wonderment, laughing amidst their trembling feet as they scurried for safety.

She carried on laughing until her eye ducts overran with tears of joy. She couldn’t have imagined such a creature with such a perplexing existence lived, let along stand so close to the novelty herself.

Yes, the familiarity between them was intriguing. She wanted to know more, like a curios child and their first meeting with fire- she reached.

‘You’re hesitant to strike, and you haven’t mauled anyone either. What...are you?’

She said, clenching her fist and readying a defensive stance. She still hadn’t confirmed the creature’s intentions, nor his abilities. She couldn’t let him just disappear.

‘I just wanna talk’

She whispered, telepathically to Bora. Her voice returning to its former, soft and gentle vibration. Quite the opposite of her previous outburst of hysterical joy.

“I already know you killed Bora, whoever...that is I’m simply curious. What kind of monster are you?’’

She said, just loud enough to be heard over the chaotic rumblings around them.

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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Inariel Myotis »

He needed to leave, it was too chaotic, he could barely perceive his surroundings with such fearful flows of consciousness flickering about. The blood crimson soul stayed behind. She decided to impeded his path after all. She was strong, she practically oozed the same primordial goo of that night. One that has apparently hurled his once very quiet stay in the depths the wood, a turbulent one.
‘You’re hesitant to strike, and you haven’t mauled anyone either. What...are you?’
These last couple of days have changed his entire life in ways unprecedented. He...he could understand their speech so clear now. The few humans he has come in contact always seemed to be speaking some garbled mesh of phrases he could barely make out. But now he not only understood them but even now was able to speak it for himself! This was too much. He had memories of times when he spoke to nothing or no one but the wood not speaking through words but throw essence. Naten flowed in all things, it was a pathway towards many different expressions and possibilities. It was intimately woven into the makeup of all things so to a creature like Allen, this form of communication was a new pill to digest. Again with the questions. The mental haze around the "trial" was beginning to clear. He had calmed the crowd or at least forced their complacency. Her own curiosity prodding about for clues to problems that did not concern her. He was not some fetish to sate her fixation on exoticism. She needed to move...
‘I just wanna talk’
His consciousness flicked back like a flicking of tongues. He did not wish to further his stay here. He took note of her defensiveness. Her obscure spirit was enticing...he could practically smell the insidious allure of her naten it was driving his senses into a fritz. She bore a familiarity that he could not trust. Not fully, for at least she hadn't flat out attacked him though she had the power to do so. He damned that night, that accursed moon. What it did to him...what it turned him into. He grabbed his shoulder, reliving the pain that came with his body shifting and contorting. The rage that swarmed him, the unshakable desire to FEED!
“I already know you killed Bora, whoever...that is I’m simply curious. What kind of monster are you?’’
That phrase broke him from his reflective state bringing him back this reality. His pensive stare softened.


Monster, a term that before three days ago he had no ties to. But now that awoke a fear in him that threatened to bring him to his knees. But this did not feel like it belonged to him. Bora... It must have been through him that Allen came to know the ways of Mortal men. The Orc kin had seen so much on his travels, so many memories and tales now rested as if they were Allens. This insight, lore belonging to Boras clan stretching hundreds of years in the past achieved themselves in the recesses of his subconscious. He felt the warriors pride in these things like it was his own. The ancestral blade that Bora carried now was his. A testimate of the warrior he bested. He would wear that emblem with...Pride? Was...did he enjoy this? Was this how his kind learned? Allen's kind that is. He could still smell the fragrance of Bora blood filling the air with is its wondrous lure. Hw it felt to crush his spirit. How it felt to overcome a challenge.... what kind of monster was he...

Haven't you asked enough questions?

He said adjusting his blade on his back. He peered closer at the hue of her character. The kinship of the soul they seemed to share was murky but there. He could not deny a sense of reverberation echoing off her wave as they exchanged. She didn't seem to be lying when she said she only wanted to talk. Perhaps it was remnants of Bora pride that made her feel like a nat that wouldn't fly somewhere else. He sighed going on a leap of faith and closing his eyes before he spoke again

"I'm leaving. Now."

He took a step forward. His locks swung lightly as he did so. His face lacked any aggression. But it was very hard to hide his irritation. He was feeling less threatened now that he was getting a hold on what was happening around him...adapting? Allen felt like an invasive species of weed alongside all these humans and now found himself in fervent want of the company of the wood once more. To speak with ask of it about what is going on with him. It knew that night, it had to know what happened afterward as well. He started to walk past her but stopped just short of in front of her. He stood so much taller than her but her flame burned so vibrantly before and beyond him. He would not deny he too had questions... and it was high time he started getting answers.

"You can tag along...if it pleases you."

Dawn was not too far away and he'd prefer to reach his den before it caught up to them.

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Re: Scarlet Night: Call of the Carnivorous Moon

Post by Nagase »

Haven't you asked enough questions?
‘Not even close.’

She said with a dry chuckle, rolling her eyes as she witnessed a man trip over debris, his face wrought with fear as he stared at Bora.

‘Just like that? Murder a warrior? Assimilate with them? Make your way home? I’m twisted...Bora, but not inhuman. The Astral Chaos, will have answers.’

-She said while peeling her mask down, revealing her cinnamon brown skin. She wanted to avoid a takedown at all cost, She still wasn’t sure how his skills worked and had no intentions of being his next victim, but... “it would be irresponsible to just let you walk away.”

“I’m Nagase.’’

She said warmly, unmoved by Allen’s approach towards her. After all they were in the same situation, neither of them knew the others capabilities.-

‘Nagase Kura Hellgate. Has a nice ring to it.’

Her tone still not fitting the severity of the situation, she was relaxed, joyful and overly-confident. This was a game to her, life had always been a game.

‘Choices. That’s really what all of this comes down to. By this, I mean life and our experience. We make choices and life makes consequences.’s hard not to lecture. My father...only lectures;but, it does calm my nerves. I can’t let you...walk away.’

-She pressed her index finger against the center of her forehead and muttered something in her native tongue, filled with stressed notes and guttural clicks.

A sigil pulsing with naten, burning a bright pink, formed behind her. Her eyes pulsed with the same radiance, momentarily engulfing her once brown eyes in a blaring pink.

“Return to the Astral Chaos, no harm will come to you,if you comply.’’

She said. Her voice now reverberated, creating a duo-vocal.

“Allen. Right?!’’

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