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A Well Kept Secret

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 5:11 pm
by Okoye
Okoye' Nharobi Muruah
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Red
Skin Tone: Maple
Height: 5'9

Unique Marks
-Several ear piercings and tattoos (Irezumi) etched along her neck and shoulders. (See pfp.)
-Razored canines.
-She possesses an ape like tail with fur similar in color to the hair on her head. It's about the size of her leg.

-The Mazoku Tribe-

A prehistoric race of primate/ape elves who have established themselves as the center of an empire of powerful sorcerers geared toward planetary unification. Their population was made into a race of deadly warriors, led by their leader Akundae. The Mazoku seek to purify Vescrutia by culling the weak and extinguishing humans. They are incredibly xenophohic against humankind and weaker fae.


The Mazoku are ape-like humanoids that possess the physical strength of titans. They come in many different shapes and sizes. But on average their height ranges anywhere from 7' to 10' tall. Their fur covered hides are soft to touch but possess piezoelectric qualities that grow stronger and tougher in response to applied mechanical pressure and latent heat. They possess tails that gift them extraordinary balance and dexterity. They can recover from wounds that should prove fatal to other organisms but they are far from impervious. Akundae's hide, for example, had grown so tough, many believe their leader to truly be impervious to damage of any kind. But his scars tell the tale of the work behind the glory.


The Primordial Roar- A genetic trait of all Mazoku stemming from an organic mechanism located in the brain's speech center that produces an unknown particle that interacts with ambient electrons, enabling them to produce devastating subatomic vibrations via a "quasi-sonic scream". However, Because this electron-harnessing ability is linked to the speech center of the brain, any attempt to use their vocal cords triggers an uncontrollable disturbance of the particle/electron interaction field. Because of this limitation, the Mazoku are trained from birth to be constantly vigilant of even the softest of utterances, lest they destroy anything or anyone in their path. While it is possible for them to learn to control the devastating effects of their voice under immense training, the Mazoku have generally become proficient in sign language and other forms of nonvocal communication.


The Mazoku tribe place great emphasis on strength and power as a source of prestige, measuring and defining their race from infancy by their power level and placing them in an associated social caste afterwards. A baby's power level is measured as soon as they are born and able to cry. Should the might of their voices be up to standard they are raised as upper-level warriors. If their power level remains low even after a certain amount of time has passed, they are either classed as low-level warriors or become either engineers, scientists, physicians, or academics. However, infants born with chromosomal abnormalities are immediately culled as a means to conserve genetic superiority.

Despite their reverence for strength, the Mazoku are not at all adverse to. technology. They are a highly advanced and intelligent species; practitioners of both nano and biotechnology, with a keen focus on genetic engineering, climatology, and ecology. Inventors and exceptional academics are also awarded similar status to that of elite level warriors. Their tribe abides by a druid-like religion, where every citizen dedicates themselves to protecting the balance of the powerful physical forces that underlie all creation. This energy has many names (Reishi, Naten, Tao, Qi, Fo') but it is the life force that exists within all things; living, nonliving, spiritual or anything in-between. The ability to manipulate this energy endows one with the power to touch upon the very origins of creation. The name of this discipline is known as Shinjutsu.


The B'halian Empire have all adopted the Mazoku tribes teachings of spirituality and seem to worship the very planet and the natural energy of all living things; known as the practice Shinjutsu. As a result they are naturally attuned to ebb and flow of the elements and the environment. They also believe humans to be the root cause of global conflict and will eventually bring upon planetary ruin.


Eons ago a cluster of dying galaxies collided with each other, coalescing into a sentient singularity of interstellar matter that pervades the universe like a cosmic storm. This celestial phenomena took the shape of an amorphous nebula of star scorched gas and extraterrestrial dust, orbited by a myriad of ghastly remnants from the realms that perished to forge it.

For millions of years the Aaether skulked the starry void with hollow ambitions, spilling massive deposits of its combined, volatile energies throughout the cosmos. Powerful enough to unravel entire dimensions.

Its reach was unfettered by the confines of time and space, but every circumstance or encounter with the celestial entity always varied. Some occurrences were benign when compared to others; such as a crumbling moon caught in its path being warped into a cultivating, terrestrial planet rich with resources and a spontaneously born dichotomy of flora and fauna. There have been instances of thriving solar systems either tripling in size and density or being cooled entirely into dark, lifeless, vacuums.

The gaseous singularity passed over Vescrutia when its crust was still raw from planetary bombardment. When some of the deadliest predators known by contemporary society were still guppies crawling from the ocean's depths..

It happened overnight; this eldritch storm silently terraformed oceans and soils within various pocket locations across the globe, while simultaneously catalyzing the birth of thousands of new organisms. For hours, the sky erupted with electric colors and thunderous boasts that filled the still primitive minded residents with horror. Generations later, the affected lands would soon become known as B'halia, and a home to all matter of mythical creatures such as; the avian humanoids known as the Cyr, jurassic marine life known as the Vox, the humanoid arachnids tribe known as Khor, and the ape-like elven tribe known as the Mazoku.

In terms of governance, B'halia was originally a primitive land with each faction generally being ruled by the strongest of their kind, with the strongest clan of all ruling as dynastic lines of royalty among their peers. But before long, the Mazoku tribe cemented their clan as the clear apex among their neighbors behind the leadership of their young chief, Akundae. After uniting the various keystone clans of 'B'halia, and sharing resources, information, techniques, and skills.

As years passed, the strength of the parlaying factions compounded invaluable contributions to their shared community that proved them each keystone species. The Cyr introduced technology, the Khor and Vox ferried the bridge toward the magical realm, But the Mazoku tribe were the first to discover the art of Shinjutsu, the likes of which Akundae used to officially unify each of the clans into the B'halian Empire.

Modern day B'halia is one of the most technologically advanced nations on the planet. It is a union of several different elven creatures born and bred from the otherworldly energies baked into the soil of the land. Today their congress has amassed a powerful military, a dynamic government, and several cities and colonies across the world, under the reign of Emperor Akundae. Today, their modus operandi is the eventual global unification of Vescrutia, the eradication of its weaker species, and ultimately matriculation to interstellar colcolonist.


As the Chief of the Mazoku Tribe and also Emperor of the B'halian Empire, Akundae has lived long enough to see the rise and fall of thousands of his kind but he has made it his responsibility to sire the future. Akundae alone had hundreds of children; sons and daughters, all born and bred to strengthen the Empire. And though he expresses genuine compassion for them all, he reserves his love and affection for only the strongest of his offspring.

The birthing process of Mazoku is usually an incredibly anxious moment, but this is not because of the miracle of life and tribulations surrounding it. Labor is medically induced with nanotechnology to preserve the life of mother and child, but the physical condition of the infant and the strength of their cries will determine not only their quality of life, but whether or not they will live to experience one.

When his youngest was born, not only did she not cry, she was born with softer flesh, a severe lack of hair and fur, she had no tail, and she was incredibly small compared to her siblings. She looked human.. which in itself was incredibly odd. Chromosomal abnormalities were not uncommon among their tribe, but upon conception, disfigured infants were immediately euthanized. This brings great shame to the parents, and has never before occurred to Akundae. Because of this, the existence of this abnormal child was kept secret and she was casted as a lower class warrior. She was named Okoye, which translates to "Quiet"

It was Akundae's hope that his youngest would exemplify some sort of redeeming qualities; perhaps she would exhibit his might or intuition, perhaps excellence in sorcery or even academia. But she was remarkably less than exceptional at everything she attempted. She was by all means human and as disgustingly weak as she seemed. Which was an unacceptable blight. She was shunned everywhere she went. Ostracized and jeered by her family and peers for her glaring differences. By the time she was five, Okoye was exiled from the empire and excommunicated from her tribe.


Along with being banished from her home, Okoye was striped of anything that may have linked her to the Mazoku tribe. She was given threads instead of their cultural garb. Her head was shaven. The only remnants of her heritage were her crimson red eyes and the knowledge she accrued in her short time.

From there, Okoye traveled through several different towns and communities throughout the globe, absolutely struggling to survive along the way. She stowed away on boats and cargo ships as a means of transportation. She stole whatever she could get her hands on to feed herself. And often slept in abandoned homes as a means of shelter. It wasn't until she arrived at Arcturus that Okoye's abilities began to surface. Her strength and mental capacity were the first to show signs of her estranged heritage. Despite her body being so frail, she would frequently exhibit feats of otherworldly strength. Despite her apparent ineptitude, The Mazoku had granted her an education that far surpasses human expectations. Even at a young age.

On her seventh birthday, Okoye sought to weaponize her gifts and began to compete in fights at the coliseum as a means to master her strength and keep food in her belly. There she learned how to survive, fight, and kill when necessary.. and she was surprisingly talented at them all.

Following the Fall of Arcturus and the subsequent arrival of the Herald of Death, Okoye found herself drifting the realms once again. But before long she found employment as a bounty hunter and enlisted her physical services at an mercenaries guild Guild known as the Paradigm. There she earned loads of money performing tasks; usually wet work, monster hunting and assassinations. By the time she was sixteen, she was hailed as the guild's deadliest assassin. However, with her exponential growth in strength and prestige, also came a spike in arrogance. She became indifferent to the jobs she accepted, inspired only by the most opulent rewards and fiercest competition.

Her last job was an assassination attempt on a powerful sorcerer and diplomat that wound up going topside. Not only was she defeated in battle, Okoye found herself thrown into a mystical prison coined the Maison De La Mort (House of the Dead) where she would be held for three years. Constantly being tortured and interrogated about the people she worked for. Their history regaled them as an impenetrable pentitutry, where only dead men are allowed to leave. But it was here that Okoye learned that she had been set up by her employer, despite her apparent loyalty to the guild. This was when her Anthem began to fully mature. The day of her escape, Okoye used her voice for the first time in her life, and decimated the subterranean super prison.

But with the knowledge of her guild's treachery, Okoye had no place to call home. So instinctively, she returned to the place that truly helped herself develop into who she was today. She returned to Arturcus, now known as the Neo.

-Appearance -

Okoye's physical appearance is akin to her avatar. She stands at about 5'9 with golden brazed skin that seems warm to the touch at first glance. Her typical outfit is a black tank top with dark tactical pants. She has pearly white teeth with a pair of sharpened canines. She has short black hair shaved on either side. And she has a tail about the length of her legs that she can control freely.

Okoye possesses a lean, athletic frame that betrays her incredibly abnormal musculature.

Her neck, shoulders and legs are illustrated with a unique Irezumi design. (Think Yazuka Tattoos) The rest of her body is peppered with scars. Some deeper than others, but all of them healed over.


Okoye was raised in an incredibly prejudiced environment from the time she was born until she was toddler. She was given a stalwart education from the upper echelon, and as a result, has grown condescending. Years later, as her life as a street urchin, arena fighter, and eventually as an operative of Paradigm developed, Okoye became known as an extremely efficient and ruthless individual. At barely 15 years old, she had been an accomplished bounty hunter, thief, and assassin. Unopposed to viciously murdering women or children should their deaths bring a bountiful reward. She is materialistic, pompous, arrogant, emotive, competitive, and aggressive. However, during her stint in prison, she learned more of her redeeming qualities from a charming old man whose name she never learned. He taught her that while she has the capacity to display exceptional cruelty when she deems it necessary, he showed her that she was more than that. She was loyal, dedicated, empathetic, studious, cunning, intelligent, and incredibly intuitive.. but she did suffer from a gambling problem.

On account of her Anthem, Okoye is notably quiet and has been conditioned from an early age to monitor her voice. She doesn't speak outside of sign language, but even still she is incredibly selective with those she surrounds herself with.


Before she was ten years old, Okoye had already been fighting on prestigious battlefields using just her bare hands. In time, Okoye has grown into a genius fighter who is known to have mastered several forms of unarmed combat and takes great pride in her body. Her repertoire apparently includes all of the well known fighting styles (such as karate, boxing, taekwondo, juujutsu, wrestling, street-fighting, Krav maga) as well as her freestyle techniques she uses to maximize her quaking strength. Through her extensive, relentless training Okoye has developed what she likes to call photographic relfexes. She is incredibly disciplined and possesses enough knowledge of the body to compare to a novice physician.

Okoye prides herself as a martial artists and possesses no particular want for bladed weapons. She relies on her phsyical abilties for the most part but she is however an established marksman. Capable of wielding various calibers of firearms from short to long range.